The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

Introspection Cultivates Your Giftedness

Lillian Skinner Season 1 Episode 25

Introspection is biggest indicator of spatial giftedness. How do I know this? I know because it the embodiment of my spatial giftedness in action. The ability to see all those different perspectives in whatever area you are gifted is spatial giftedness being honed and strengthened. 

But, we live in a society that doesn't recognize it as having any value or purpose. Instead we are forced to focus on the outside perspective to such a degree we loose touch with your own natural perspective and pervert our introspection to only focus on the average perspective at the expense of our mental and physical health. Leaving us without self actualization and the ability to see ourselves as who we really are to ourselves and others. The more of an outlier you are the more this occurs. 

Copyright Gifted ND 2023

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Gifted Norodivergent Podcast, a podcast dedicated to the exploration and cultivation of the outside genius found in norodivergence.

Speaker 2:

Too many of us our whole life has been told there's something wrong with us. There's something wrong in the way we learn to read. There's something long in the way we see the world. There's something wrong in the way we communicate. There is a lot of things different about us and I will agree, but the wrong part I'm gonna always push back on.

Speaker 2:

I've been spending my entire life trying to figure out what is the difference, because I definitely I see a difference. I definitely know that I move through the world in a much more logical and introspective way. I don't necessarily do or believe what everyone tells me I should do or believe. I think about it and I go. I don't think that's gonna work for me and really that has been probably my saving grace for my mental health, my physical health and my ability to figure out what it is I need to do to be healthy and survive and thrive. Now I'm going through this yet again with my children, where I'm being told that I'm supposed to be this way with them and that I'm doing it wrong, when I know for a fact that these people don't really understand how we move through the world. They're telling me based on what they've been taught, but they themselves don't even know what is best for them. They're going based on an education that was created really in the last maybe 50 to 100 years and it hasn't been the healthiest period of time for humans as a whole. Neurotypical people have no clue what their best is, and I think being neurodivergent has driven me to figure out I have to figure out what my best is. There's really no choices. I don't get a choice. I don't know why. Everyone else does get a choice, but it does boil down to their sensitivity. My body's sensitivity is much higher than theirs, much, much higher, and I can either lament it and cry and spend a lot of time on that, or I can try to figure out why the heck nature would make me this way, and so I did, and what I found is that the worst things get on the outside, the more my brain seems to understand what I need to do for me on the inside, and it is very fascinating.

Speaker 2:

The older I get, the more I see into the wise things other people say, the more I'm able to pull it apart and say, oh, this is what they really meant. This is being taken on a surface level, but at a deeper level. There's so much more. There's so many more levels to this, and we are looking at it at the simplest level, not the most complex, and I'm excited to learn and grow and see them even more complexly as I get older.

Speaker 2:

But I do realize that I don't have teachers anymore. I'm running out of people who can show me the way to go, and so I'm looking for peers because, honestly, I don't have peers in this space. I tend to be the only person doing it, and the only people I know who even have a clue as to what I'm talking about are fellow gifted neurodivergence, and so I've created this so I could get peers, so I could get teachers, so we could be each other's teachers. What I want to know is what other people's brains are telling them, because if the neuro divergence are actually able to sense the world and navigate it based on what their data is coming in, then, as things change, we have a huge advantage, and I want to surround myself with people like me, because we are going to be the ones who most adapt, most know what to do next and most likely to survive.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that it's true for a certainty yet, but I do know that my high-sensing has only proven right more than it's been proven wrong and I'm not sure that wrong is the terms that I've, I've, I would use but more. That that society is modification of what our natural state is and in the way it moves, has only proven to be I'll overdo what, what I needed or what was going to be the outcome for others, and that's the only time that I've been wrong. Society will hang on and it's set up so that in a hierarchy that it will preserve the top and will destroy the bottom, but the top would cannot survive without the bottom. I mean, I don't know why. They don't seem to know that, but that's the truth. And now that they've forgotten that, and now that they're sort of just leaving us all to ourselves to figure out what the future will be, we have to be wise about it. We have to realize that they're not necessarily going to show up and serve us in the late stages of things and that if we want to be healthy, if we want to be survive and if we want to live and even have a chance at thriving, we better figure out how it is. We need to function and live in order to be our best selves.

Speaker 2:

So I have, after decades of being told what is wrong with me, I've been taking note of what is wrong with me, what is right with me, what is wrong with others or what, what I don't, what doesn't work for me, that others do, and if it works for them. What I've come up with is that our spatial giftedness really is fascinating, amazing and multi-dimensional. The metaphor I'm going to use to describe it is almost like a house of mirrors like the fun house mirrors where we are able to see, because of our spatial giftedness, the many, many different perspectives of different situations. So our reality is not a single reality, and when they talk about it being multi-dimensional and us having many planes and the multiverse, I can't help but wonder if they're just talking about the insides of our brains, because I don't know that there's multiverses and all these different realities. But I do know in my head I can see everybody else's realities and my own and mine is usually different. Mine is higher, mine sees wider, mine is also like not using the everyday cultural things that everybody talks about. I know them, but I often think them to be inaccurate or short-sighted or limited and I don't know that people understand the full context of them. So I always try to understand the full context of them, because the reason we use them should be really fully understood, so that we're not offending and that we're not doing something because it was done before when it's really harmful.

Speaker 2:

I don't know everything, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say that. I'm just saying that I try to. I try to when I can, and now that I have so much information, I really can indulge myself in that manner. The problem is, though, is the more I know and the more clarity I have, the more people get mad at me for having it, which is kind of ironic, but also not ironic, because then you thwart their insistence, you have their reality, you thwart their ability to traumatize you unless they have power over you, and so, as you get more information, they're going to lock down on the power, because they can no longer try to convince you to do what they want you to do, because you have the information to say no, no, that doesn't work for me. So they're gonna lock down on the power, and I'm experiencing that right now is as I move my child through the system, and we are thwarted at every move because they want her to go through the conditioning. They don't care that she doesn't need the education. They really, really insist on the conditioning. My child is advanced, my children have all been advanced and at every time I try to meet their needs educationally. I am thwarted by the system because they're more interested in the conditioning and me filling in the gaps of the conditioning. There's always ways to get your needs met and I will keep pursuing them.

Speaker 2:

I find that our world is lost. It's lost its reality. It doesn't actually know what is healthy. It doesn't actually care what is healthy. It only cares about you serving the system, and the more you're needed, the more necessary or neurodivergent and different your value is, the more it's going to try to manipulate your reality so that you think you're lucky or fortunate, that you're getting any opportunity at all. I watch this with every gifted person I see. They're marginalized, they're denied their reality and many of them have mental health issues for this. They also have physical health issues for this and it manifests in some cases both times in other places. It's one or the other, but even still I hate it. I easily see it as a manipulation and I no longer partake in it. But the fight I get from others to stay in and partake in that manipulation is astonishing.

Speaker 2:

I took a coaching class and they were talking about this AI app and this AI app was called Rocky AI. I went through it. We had 10 minutes and I picked one and said what do you want to do? And I said leadership. Gave me three questions and I answered each of the three questions and I said great, you're all set. And it kicked me out of leadership and I laughed hysterically because apparently, according to their AI rules, I am already set for leadership. But yet I know that when I go into leadership, there is this whole level that I don't really like to do, which is cater up, which is serve up at the expense of those I am leading. I laugh at this ideal AI that says oh, you know, how do you do this? And I say well, I trust myself. And then it was like how do you do that? And I go well, I listen to the people of others and I weigh in consensus and whatever. And I just answered the three questions like I would do. And there's like well, then, you're solid, you should pick a new topic next week. And I was like wow, that's great. So this Rocky AI was.

Speaker 2:

It was interesting, it was limited and it was totally the average data that the system gives you for mental health, which I find to be incredibly inaccurate for me, because I'm not average and I'm a neurodivergent and they have just pathologized all that. So all that information really isn't out there for us on how we move through the world healthy, which is why I'm trying to show you how I move through the world healthy and how spatial giftedness is a different kind of healthy, requires a different kind of being. My spatial giftedness allows me to see that Rocky is an average person and it gives me an advantage because when I go to the doctor, I can see what they think I'm supposed to say and pass their test. So I don't get like assigned something that that I don't have, which I have, or I can learn it to bridge the gap. And so that's what I've been doing. I've been using AI and its average consensus on things to bridge the gap, because I know that they're inaccurate and that is basically me taking something 2D and making it 3D. I'm actually bringing them to my dimension In my brain. It looks something like that.

Speaker 2:

I realized that when I'm talking with someone, if I start talking first and I communicate my needs first, they will not actually see my perspective. This happens to me every single time. So a lot of times when I'm talking to someone, I let them tell me first and then I see their perspective and I bridge the gap. But I have to do some stuff for my kids. So I showed up with my naivete, telling them my, my perspective, and they the person told me literally to go somewhere else, and I was like okie dokie and I eventually did because I found someplace else. But the thing I have realized is that the reason neurodivergence struggles so much is that they are at a different level. They're just on a different plane. We are even from each other. I struggle sometimes even with other neurodivergence because my intellectualisms in an area that a lot of people don't have and their intellectualisms in an area a lot of people don't have. So we're even unique amongst each other. But if we go in with an open mind and even AI, we will be able to connect with each other in many, many ways.

Speaker 2:

I find sometimes on the boards, when I talk with with younger people neurodivergent, they will tell me no, it's not like that. It's not like that. I'm like, think about it for yourself. Think about it, not what you were told, but think about what it is, what you feel and they will get violently angry with me because I'm I'm literally making them think and I think that's Interesting. I think it's interesting that thinking is scary to them. I think it's interesting that thinking is scary to many people and when you push them to question it and figure out what they have for themselves, they get angry, they get upset with you. They're like how dare you, how dare you try to make me ask questions of myself and think of myself. And I realize how much our system has shut that down in most people.

Speaker 2:

But those of us with spatial giftedness, we have natural-born introspection in certain areas, if not all areas, in a way that other people have let go. If they ever had it, I don't really know. I don't know if they had it or they let it go. I don't know what they were like as babies and children. I only know the people. I've been around with babies and children and a lot of them have. I think little kids are fascinating. I think this is why autistic people tend to like children and why ADHD people tend to like children, because children don't have. They have not shut down the perspective of other people, because they're still children, and so they have to learn to maintain their teacher's perspective or their parents' perspective, and then they also have their own. The problem with our system is it sort of pretends that they don't have their own. Children are just blank slates to be written on, and neurodivergence are also treated like they're still blank slates to be written on and they're going to be helped by neurotypicals. Yeah, that's not how it works, though. That's not how it works at all.

Speaker 2:

When I work with somebody, I don't think of them as a blank slate to be written on. I think of them as somebody I'm going to learn something from, because everybody has their own set of values and perspectives and I want to know them, because when you give me your perspective, I learn a new perspective, and then it adds to my others, and because we are spatially gifted, it is like a multiplying effect of you giving me your perspective and I see so many more. It multiplies mine. So that's why it's really important for us to be together, because we will create so much more amazing things Because of our multiple perspectives. They feed each other, they cross interdisciplinary and they make us more well rounded, more intelligent, more creative, more everything. So the fact that they've had us all separated from each other unless you worked in creative spaces but you tended not to be managed by creatives was a way to control the creatives and keep them from making too much change.

Speaker 2:

I think of George Jetson and how, in his show, everyone's flying around in their own personal car, have cell phones that they talk to. They have personal robot maids by the year 2022 or whatever. This is how it will be and it didn't come to fruition. Instead, we got phones. We got a much smaller version of what they said we'd have. It's not like there aren't people out there who didn't invent flying cars and flying stuff like that, but they're being oppressed. They're being kept from really doing that amazing growth because we have pushed out the neurodivergence in the deepest and brightest and we have been replaced by people who make tiny increments, steps, and make a lot of money off them. I know I'll never make a lot of money because my perspective is so out there, I am so in a different level of thinking and seeing and being in my space that people think I'm insane sometimes when I say to them I think spatial giftedness is the future.

Speaker 2:

I think spatial giftedness is the ability to see multiple levels and if you can see all those levels, you can see solutions. You can see greater, bigger, wider solutions. People don't even know what that, they just only know spatial giftedness as a visual thing. It's so much bigger and I'm going to go into my spatial giftedness and how I can see it in other people. My spatial giftedness really is emotional and by using my emotions I am able to modify the way my brain thinks. So if I'm sitting with someone and they're a psychopath, if I sort of make my emotional state like theirs, the way I feel theirs, I can think like them and that goes across the board. I can change my emotional state to match the person across from me and then I can think like them, and this is pretty much what psychics do. The thing is, the difference between me and psychics is that my brain tells me how it does it. So I'm not a psychic, I'm a person who can tell you how that works. I'm pretty sure that this is how it works for most people, and when I sit across from them and they tell me what their gifts are, what they like to do, I can see if I change my emotions and do that. I can sort of think like that.

Speaker 2:

I know my daughter that's the Massavant. She likes to see the patterns in the world and she notices little things and she asks her questions. But she's more interested in animals and nature, not more not people. I'm a people person. My other kids are people persons my sister and my father and my stepfather, who are musical savants. They have that music, they think about music, they notice the patterns of music, they want to push themselves in music and my sister is now more like that with words and poetry and the rhythms.

Speaker 2:

I find that writers are like this too and I know I have a writer brain because I can see how writers can put themselves in those different people's positions while they're writing and make that whole interplay go down. We are able to see how people move through the world. We're able to see and interact. But I don't actually enjoy writing. I did like writing when I was a kid. I liked writing fiction, but now I want to figure things out. I'm above that. I've gone past that part. And I don't mean above it, I mean I just moved through that phase and now I'm in this other phase and it's more like the philosophy phase.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's what we don't recognize for the giftedness and the savants is that how many of us are just oppressed and never allowed to move through our phases or remove through them quietly in our little back offices, like I am here. I just happen to have a podcast where I'm telling you about it. But it is our brain that changes something, and for my sister, she changes the rhythm and she feels it a different way. And for my daughter, whose math, she changes the numbers and she feels like she feels them with her emotions and she can see them and it comes out as an emotional result, my sister comes out as words, it comes out as patterns, it comes out as rhythms, it can come out as music too, and those are the three areas of profound giftedness, but they really only talk about visual, spatial, and there are so many more. And what I want to know is what's yours? You can write me about it, you can do the 20 minute session and I'll sit there with you as long as you want because that's so fascinating to me and I won't charge you because that's just that fascinating to me.

Speaker 2:

But really the thing we need to figure out is what you do with it, and that's where I'm able to step in and say, okay, because I know that we all translate to a chord. I know that the inputs we take in and how we express them is related to the inputs we are strongest in and how it is a chord. Your entire giftedness is a chord. It's these three things that you are best at and then how they come together to be expressed. And that is your area, that is the area you're most gifted in. And it's funny because we can have many, many chords, but there is one major chord that you will end up, where you will produce something big.

Speaker 2:

And we have this whole obsession with people being multi-potentialites and really they're just really big picture seers who are working their way up to something amazing and we guide me them. My goal is to find those people like me and build a network outside of the system that we can come and do the coaching with, that we can Meet each other's needs, because we're not getting met in the system. There aren't spatial understandings. They talk about visual, spatial, but they're not talking about, like kinesthetic. They're not talking about all these things. They sort of understand them in a physical way, but we still have not really dug into and figured out how those spatial things work. But I can see them, I can feel them, I know you can too, and what I want to do is figure them out together. I want to figure out you, I want to figure out how we go into your spatial giftedness and maximize it, because AI is going to Change the playing field and, as I sat there in this class and I said to them, ai is going to change this for the neurodivergence, because everything is 2d and we are not, and so when you tell me what it is in 2d, I can help you come to see how I see it in 3d, or I can just keep it to myself and use it as an advantage.

Speaker 2:

It is the most introspective, though that have this. I think that many neurodivergence end up being narcissists because for some reason, they're able to shut down that introspection or they don't turn it on or something. And I turned mine on to an extreme degree because I had to to navigate the narcissists in my life, and so it was like we create each other, but the narcissists lack that introspection, they're too afraid, and so we break brilliant people and turn them into very selfish people because they're not Forced to be in this perspectives of others. And then we create billion people and we force them to be oppressed for it. And you can service those who are not as brilliant by forcing them to never Recognize the value of their introspection, never letting them self-actualize or find their own perspective so that they're healthy.

Speaker 2:

To me, introspection is key and if you have great introspection, then we need to talk and if you think you'd like to be one of these coaches, then we need to talk, because my goal is to build an introspective World, an introspective group that sees the problems of the future, attacks them and delivers for the rest of the world on our terms, because we will never be great Individually, will be separated, will be told that what we're producing isn't enough, it's not on the schedule that they want, it's not on the timelines, it went. But those things make us sick and I keep finding this over and over again. I keep being talked to with parents who have suicidal young people and they're like what do I do? And I'm like you have to pull them out. You have to give them what their talent is, because they're being told every day the opposite. We have so much talent going to waste. It's like dying and languishing and in sorrow and deep feelings, and those are the part that's introspective.

Speaker 2:

Teach your children to be introspective, teach yourself, go into it, be proud of it. It is giftedness. To me, this is the highest form of giftedness. I'm saying this early and people may not believe me. I don't know that anybody else thinks this, but I'm sure that other people do and they just don't know them and I just Haven't read their stuff. And if you know them, send me their stuff because I'd like to read it. But to me, introspective is the indicator of your spatial gifted and wherever you're introspective, we need to go into and blow that out, because you are going to take a eye and I don't know if we have to build it for you, fine, I'll do it. We'll figure out a way to build that for you. We'll build it together because that is where the next opportunity is. That's it for my podcast today. It's a short one, but it's a really important one, so I hope you listen to it and I hope you find a value. Take care.

Speaker 1:

The views, information and opinions expressed on this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent gifted and Incorporated Lillian Skinner or the gifted nor divergent podcast. This podcast, lillian Skinner and gifted and incorporated are not responsible and do not verify the accuracy of the information contained in this podcast series. The primary purpose of this podcast is to inform and educate. The gift and nor divergent podcast is only available for private, non-commercial use. Any other use of the information contained within this podcast must be done with express written approval in knowledge of Lillian Skinner. You may not edit, modify or redistribute any part of this podcast. The developer assumes no liability for this podcast or its use on any other podcast or other media.