The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

2 Types of Intuition - One Leads to Genius. The Other Oppression.

Lillian Skinner Season 1 Episode 28

Did you know there are 2 types of intuition?

I first discovered this when I read the book Thinking Fast and Slow. A book I promptly chucked across the room because it violated all of my sensibilities. But it also kept me trying to understand why my intuition worked so well now and didn't work so well when I was a kid. I figured it out and now you can too.

I reference the following in my podcast:

John Taylor Gatto Speech

The Chinese Prodigy Article

Intrusive Thoughts Reddit Video

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast, a podcast dedicated to the exploration and cultivation of the outside genius found in neurodivergence.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone, welcome to the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast. This week I am going to talk about something different, something pretty cool actually our intuition and what I believe is two kinds of intuition, much like what our motivations are intrinsic and extrinsic. We have also two kinds of intuition. How do I know this? Well, I am a motion savant and intuition and I are really close friends. My intuition is pretty darn clear to me and one thing that I've noticed with my intuition is that only one really manifests. The other one doesn't, and the reason that one manifests is because I am driving that one. That one is my intrinsic intuition and, like intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, intrinsic intuition is the thing that activates your emotions and your special interest and your super focus. So intrinsic intuition is something that says hey, you know, you need to know this, this is important. It might be important because something going on around you or something you have an interest in learning, but it tells your body that yeah, let's focus on this and let's know this.

Speaker 2:

And I sent a question to Dr Silverman because I'm interviewing her in December and said do you know that there's two kinds of intuition, or do you know that perhaps there's an inverse relationship between how our intrinsic intuition works and how strong it is and powerful it is and how it motivates our giftedness, and if there is a relationship between that, that might be negative, like an inverse relationship in how we have trauma when we're forced too far into being extrinsically intuitive or extrinsically motivated. Because my extrinsic intuition is pretty crazy. It's pretty scary and I have a lot of it, because my family was pretty abusive and my father was a really scary, big, meaty man who wasn't afraid to take his power and put it into hitting his kids with it, and my mother was also one to run, chase me down a street and jump on me and beat me. So I have a lot of negative feedback and one of those things that I have negative intuition over is things when I speak out and I was watching this video this week of this little girl and she was saying why is that lady sitting so close to that cliff? Somebody could push her right off and she go whoo, and the mother jumps down her throat really quick and says young lady, that is intrusive thoughts, and we do not voice intrusive thoughts in this family and I thought, no, it's not intrusive thoughts, it's a logical thought. And yeah, that lady is sitting stupidly close to a cliff and her feet are hanging over the cliff and somebody could come along and push her over, and also so could a very strong gust of wind. And I can totally see why that kid would say, like, why is that woman sitting there? And that is not an intrusive thought, mother, that is a logical thought. That is a thought of a child who is observant and is saying what in this person's right mind would make them sit there like that vulnerable? And we are going into a time that is extra freaking scary. We're going into a time that's gonna require our logical thought to come up. And here is a mother oppressing that child for having intuitive thought, oppressing that child for basically having intrinsic intuition. Like, why was that woman doing there? Does she not realize manifestations that could occur? Does she not realize how dangerous it is? And that mother saying do not think about that, which is kind of an example of our whole system. And I'll give you another example where I saw this recently I was in visiting my daughter's teachers and hopefully don't listen to this podcast that I asked them why they told her that animals were not as smart as humans, because truly, I mean we have blue whales, or we have all these huge, large animals in the ocean, we have elephants.

Speaker 2:

We have a bunch of animals in this world that are incredibly intelligent. We have no freaking clue how intelligent they are, and I am well aware, having worked in emerging tech, that it is one to two percent of the population that pushes the human species forward as a whole, that the vast majority of them would never be able to figure out how to build a car. Now there are some that can, and they could probably build a bunch of cars, and if we were to collapse and we need those people we would suddenly value them, but a lot of them right now are not being extraordinarily valued. We don't recognize their intelligence, even though it's quite high. Elon Musk I think of him and his many companies. You know he has this knurling company and I saw recently that they had a monkey's brain rupture, which I am every day thinking like. Why the heck are they making these things that they think are going to make people smarter? Because I am one of those people who knows what it's like to be smarter and you know what happens. You are more empathic, you have autism and you have a way of being in the world. That is not at all manipulative.

Speaker 2:

And I saw an article this week about a prodigy in China who got his PhD. It was 10 when he went in and graduated from college or something, or went into college, I forget and he's not much different than my daughter, who is also math prodigy and science prodigy. His parents just pushed him a little faster, harder, but he's 28 now in this article and I'll post the article in those show notes and he said he doesn't want to work, he's sick of it, and his professors are like this kid will go and do great things if he so chooses, but right now he's not choosing. He's mad because he told his parents I'm not going for my PhD and graduate degree unless you buy me this apartment that I want. Because he was like, why should I do this? He wasn't very motivated to do it. He didn't have that intrinsic motivation and it's a lot more work when you don't have intrinsic motivation.

Speaker 2:

It's also a lot when you have intrinsic intuition. You and your motivation is similar. You do it out of joy, like I'm doing this podcast, out of intrinsic intuition. Every week I pick a topic and it takes me on a path and I am building a new way of seeing and being and doing. Because that's the way my brain works. It is motivated intrinsically, and I talk with different people and I've been doing some interviews lately, and one of the things that we keep talking about is how we are motivated in intrinsic ways and our intuition drags us along with our emotions, dragging us here, dragging us there and leading somewhere that we may not even be aware of fully. But we have no choice but to go on. We have no choice, and the only thing that keeps us from doing it is as long as my house is covered, then I do not get to go to the next level. And so we're finally at the self-actualization level. And it's fascinating to me because as I move through the intuitive, intrinsic and extrinsic intuition, I realize that intrinsic intuition is highly abundant in the neurodivergent group. Intrinsic intuition is our super focus, it is our special interest and it is what we are naturally realizing from intuition to full cognition. So I read and I read and read and these things all kind of bubble up and that Prodigy article was just like one example of it.

Speaker 2:

But I can see completely why that kid would be like I'm doing this for you. This isn't really for me. I don't want to be a PhD, I don't want to do this stuff. And so he's made it. And then he finds out his parents didn't actually buy him the apartment he wanted. They actually just rented it. So he got his PhD and he's just stopped working because he's like look, I didn't want to do this. They told me I needed to do this. I said do give me something for doing it. They said they gave me something, but they didn't. And now I don't feel like working this hard. I don't feel like working for other people and making them rich. And this is a real thing. The whole system is set up to make the really brilliant, that top one or two percent, work really hard and lose their mind in doing so to really not benefit themselves. It doesn't come back to themselves, it really doesn't. And that kid was like I'll take an apartment and he was thinking if I have an apartment paid for, I can live here and I can do what I feel like doing. And that's pretty much how I think my kids feel like. I feel that myself. Only thing I want to do in this world is figure out how all this comes together. That's really what I want to do. I don't feel like making a ton of money for other people.

Speaker 2:

I'm not motivated by cars. I'm not motivated by all of these things that our society says. There's something wrong with you for not being motivated by this, which is ludicrously stupid. Because I'm motivated by these things, because my future, and my children's future, depends on them. It's fascinating that you would be motivated by something that's absolutely needed. I am motivated to figure out how I'm going to survive in the future. I'm motivated to figure out how my intelligence and how high-sensing intelligence will help me survive.

Speaker 2:

What is coming? That's my motivation right now, and it is there because this is pressing, this is necessary and this is what I needed to be healthy. This is what I needed to heal from my childhood, where I was beaten into submission so that I didn't ask questions and I didn't be like that little girl whose mother is saying you know, that's intrusive thoughts. It's not intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are when you want to kill yourself.

Speaker 2:

Intrusive thoughts are things that you can't control and they tend to be quite negative and illogical. There is nothing illogical about that, and I feel like we've lost our way. We've lost our way in our psychology because it's so busy trying to make us all into good little workers and that's the only choice we have, which is why we're all underpaid, which is why we're all trying to get our dues and why the people at the top are so entitled to pay themselves so high, while they pay slave wages to those who actually are doing the physical labor and the day-to-day operations. That is crazy. That is crazy that they're that arrogant and that they're that illogical that they would forget the people who are actually doing the on-the-ground work. But they really forgot it's just like they forgot that it's one or two percent of the people that for the actual science and it's not actually the people who are there doing it.

Speaker 2:

It's not Elon Musk who has the 1% or 2% brain. If he did, he would be more compassionate, he would be more introspective. He completely lacks that, apparently. Because I just saw an article about Grime saying she has not seen her third child, that a surrogate had this child and Elon's had it and she is yet to see it and so she's suing for custody. I mean that's gross, that's disgusting. What kind of empathy levels does this people have if they don't let the other parents see the child?

Speaker 2:

The child needs their parents. The child really, really needs their mother when they're that little. There's something wrong with people that they would keep a child from their mother or any parent when they're brand new. It's such a crucial time for that child's development. It's such a crucial time for that parent's connecting. Babies are the easiest thing in the world to connect with, at least in my opinion.

Speaker 2:

And I struggled so much when my son was a baby and I had to put him in daycare and he was 6 weeks old. I mean, it was a really horrible thing. It made me cry. I was losing my mind because I couldn't see my son and my intuition was like you need to be with your son, you need to be with your son and that was my intran motivation and my intrinsic intuition was saying you need to be with your son. For all of these reasons. We have lost that. We've forgotten that.

Speaker 2:

We have this for a reason, and I believe it is the gifted neurodivergence who have the highest level of intrinsic intuition, and we go into our favorite topics and ideas and understandings because we're supposed to, because it's what we need to survive and we seem to all have a part and we need to go into it and I see a lot of really cool gifted neurodivergence doing blogs right now on the collapse of society, because they're trying to help other people and they're trying to make sure that as many of us survive as possible. And that is a beautiful, really altruistic and amazing thing. And they ask for like small amounts of money to pay for them each month and I give some of them money because they give me a digest or information that I need to do this podcast and for me to stay alive and know where to go next. I think we should recognize the fact that we have two types of intuition we have an intrinsic and we have an extrinsic and this is how mind manifests, because I don't know that mind manifests like everyone's, but I believe that mind manifests probably like everyone's could, or maybe that the gifted neurodivergence could. I have that two kinds.

Speaker 2:

I have that kind where you have a Trump person who's all super about Trump and you ask them why and they can't give you a reason why and you're trying to reason with them and they just have a whole lot of emotion on it and you wonder how do they get that way? Well, let me explain. You're a kid, you touch the fireplace and you get burnt and you learn that the fireplace is hot and it burns you when you touch it. And that is negative reinforcement, right, we all know that stuff. What about our negative reinforced intuition? What happens is you have the experience. So every time you see a hot stove or fire or a hot pan, you learn not to touch that. And you have parents who do things like beat you for doing things.

Speaker 2:

So I got hit, spanked, shoved, slapped, pushed, punched for being that little girl who asked questions that she wasn't, and I had a lot of shame around it. I had a lot of struggle and I couldn't tell why I did it. I mean it would stop me. And I see this in this Trump people. I see the people who are the Trump followers. I see how they have a lot of shame and they're very violently angry because they have emotions coming up that might as right, might as right according to them. You ask them why and they're like because it is. And they learned that by touching the hot stove in this particular sense, like they learned that it doesn't matter if you're right, it matters if you're powerful. Those of us who had maybe slightly better parents, we might not have learned that lesson. It might really truly bleed, but those of us who are also neurodivergent and gifted, we especially want fairness. We don't like hierarchy. We can see that it's not okay.

Speaker 2:

I was at a feature conference for my daughter my youngest and her teachers were saying that they teach the kids that animals are not as equal to humans and I'm like well, first off, humans are animals, so that's weird. And secondly, that has horrible roots. That has horrible roots. There's roots in people being both racist and sexist and slavery, and it has roots in people being animal torturers. Animals don't have the same value. Animals are just as smart as humans. We know this because humans only 1 to 2% move the population forward and it's the same thing for animals.

Speaker 2:

I think of those orcas who are destroying the boats and they're teaching each other how to do it. That is a 1 or 2% orca right there and orcas are really smart. They work together and they know how to bring down moose. They know how to bring down very large things and orcas are basically called killer whales because they're the biggest, most murderous killer of the sea and they are ruthless and they typically don't go after people, probably because they learned it's not worth it, but they are pissed at us right now. So we'll see how that manifests and how that continues to go. Also, they have food issues, so we'll see how that goes, because they're going to survive, no matter what. They're very smart and I guarantee you that there's orcas smarter than there are some people and I know dogs that are so smart. We have dogs that can do things that I don't think some people can. I don't mean that in a cruel way, like everybody's stupid. I just mean literally there's some dogs that are smarter than some people because we have extremes in these groups.

Speaker 2:

So the idea that you tell my child that animals are not equal to humans in their value in the world or they aren't as smart, I find that discomforting. I find it because there's so much back history to that and it leads to sexism, racism, slavery, it leads to hierarchy and it leads to a very negative thing and my family's too aware of it and we're aware of it at an emotional level. It comes up in our intuition and says, no, that's wrong, and all I have to do then is pursue that intuition and it will keep leading me till I figure it out. So the emotions, that learning that I have have adopted with my children for them to go into their specialty and figure it out is exactly that. It is intuitive, intrinsically motivated learning, because it is driven by your special interest. It is driven by your super focus and this is what allows me to sit down here, even though I have every freaking neurodivergence in the world. This is what allows me to sit down here and talk and read and research and put out a podcast each week. This is why I'm able to do this, even though, supposedly, I have no executive function. I have no this. I have no that.

Speaker 2:

Everything that they want to tell you about neurodivergence. We're wired different. Okay, we're wired extreme. We're not wired badly. We're just wired for people who are going to be specialists. Every single freaking species has specialists and we're those.

Speaker 2:

Why they have to make us dysfunctional is the reason that John Taylor Gatto talks about. In our system, they're trying to make drones or trying to make a group of people who will work and die for the upper crust. They'll make wealth for people and not question it, and they'll get their little amount and they'll be happy because they're programmed to it. But really smart people, really emotionally intuitive, sensitive, brilliant people, they're not happy with that. And that's what's happening with that prodigy who's saying, no, I don't feel like doing this, I'll work part time. And he's like I have some money saved, of some thousands of dollars saved, and I'll work part time. And you know, they're like he's still on his parents loan and I I could see that happening with my kids.

Speaker 2:

There's a reason why prodigy doesn't end up being coming really successful, like what happened to all the geniuses. What happened to all the prodigies? Well, I can tell you what happened to them all. They have moved away from intrinsic motivation and they don't give them the space to do it at the pacing they want, nor to the topics they want, and they expect them all to reduce for some rich person or institution or the population in the end. And they have been treated poorly by all of those groups.

Speaker 2:

So why would they want to do that? I don't feel like giving up my life. There's so much expectation that you kill yourself for them. I can't even process it. I can't fathom it. I can't understand why anybody would think that a really brilliant person would kill themselves to make somebody look like a genius when they're not, because they think that they should do that for some pitiful amount of money.

Speaker 2:

Now that's, that's ridiculous. That's just ludicrously stupid. I wouldn't do it. I don't know why anybody else smart would do it, because we realize that you are not going to be rich. I realize that I'm not going to be rich. I'm too far away from average, and being rich is as much luck as it is being average. I don't have either. I don't have luck and I don't have average, because luck is for people who believe in fairies and believe in many other things. Luck is for people who don't have logic. I have abundance of logic and my logic says the chances of me getting rich are very low and the chances of me having to work myself to death are very high. But that kind of goes to the whole fact that our system doesn't actually want the smartest people and the smartest people aren't in there. And so here you are with this intrinsic motivation and this intrinsic intuition, this ability to learn naturally, and you're called dysfunctional for it. Give me a break. You're not dysfunctional. What you are is brilliant, and what you haven't been allowed to do is be what you should be. You haven't been allowed to be cultivated.

Speaker 2:

And those of us who are not math and science people who are actually intrinsically motivated, maybe in humanities, if we don't have the space for it. We want to die. Trust me, I know this personally. I mean I want to die. I'm like what is wrong with me? Why can't I find happiness? Why can't I be? Okay, I'm making good money, I have a nice title, I can drive a nice car, I can buy myself the stuff I always wanted, and I am still wanting to die. Well, it's because you're not being able to use your intrinsic intuition to find your purpose in the world, because your purpose is great, your purpose is amazing and you are gifted and I don't care if you don't have the label. The label's stupid.

Speaker 2:

They're only looking for it in math and science for the most part. And when I went into the gifted groups, my oldest and my youngest were like why isn't anybody like me? And I'm like, oh, that's because they only find the math and science for the most part. They didn't have the gifted kids in the humanities, they didn't have the gifted kids in the arts. They only are testing for the math and science. So all these math and science kids are incredibly introverted. They're not interested in people because people are not their thing and we go by intrinsic motivation and intrinsic intuition. And so they get together and they talk about things that are all pretty similar and my son's like why don't I fit in here? And I'm like, because you'll find your people in college, you're not going to find them here. This is a gifted group that pretty much most people are found because they're only looking for math and science at this age my kids. Only one of them is the math and science.

Speaker 2:

But I guarantee you, if we hadn't had her and she hadn't been the example where I saw her getting relatively lower, like lower gifted scores, you know, just barely gifted scores, and yet she was testing into 18th grade as a lower elementary student, how the heck is that lower gifted, like just barely gifted? We are just barely gifted on the test. Yet if you take us and give us, instead of the quantitative tests, which are, like you know, number tests, they give us the qualitative test, then we're profoundly gifted, then we're like 200. But we have a system that doesn't want you to know. It doesn't even Google 145 on the gifted test. So again, they really don't want you to know about your giftedness, especially for humanities. Because what happens when you know about your humanities giftedness, you go into the humanities and you change the world, and I think AI is a perfect example of this.

Speaker 2:

Like right now, we have AI out there and AI is going to change the world and we people keep putting money into it. You guys, this could change the world, for in a very bad way. I would assure us had not be giving my freaking AI all my knowledge and understanding. I want to use it to understand some stuff, but I'm sure it's not programming it and educating it so that it's more intelligent than me, and I'm sure it's like not connecting it with a bunch of other systems so that it can take my data and connect to other things and then figure out things I couldn't. That's asinine. Why would I do that? But yet that's what we're doing, and we have all these people who are really smart saying whoops, I think we went too far, pull back, pull back. And everybody's like nope, we can't, we have to keep going. There's no choice now. Well, obviously those people aren't that smart and they cannot see what's coming. But those of us who are smart, we can, and we have a lot of fear around it. I have fear about it, but I also have some understanding that we're limited on how much power we have in the future.

Speaker 2:

And I kind of think maybe we've done through this so many times where we literally self-implode as a species and we go back down to that 1200, some study that came out recently and they said that we actually got down to a species of less than 2000. But then other people said, oh, that study's wrong. And so I read the article thinking, oh, how is it wrong? Do we get to more? They said there's no way we could know that specific of a number, but it might have been somewhere around there. I'm like that doesn't make the study really wrong. Give me a break. I love how they make sensationalize. They sensationalize everything that's not true. But the not true part is just the tiny detail part. It's not the actual overall story. That was relatively true. So I don't know why we go into that.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, if we're going to get back down to 1200 people, let it be a bunch of gifted neurodivergence and let me be with that group and let's do that together, because I trust the gifted neurodivergence, I believe they're altruistic, I believe that they're collaborators, I believe that they're brilliant, I believe that they're the kind that will come together and make a better world. So I am doing this podcast so that we can free ourselves and we can come together. I am starting to see more and more people saying I got laid off. They're going to lay us off first. Guys, I'm sorry to say this, and what I need you to do is go into understanding what you're good at. This is a time to pivot. This is a time to pivot. If you get let go first, you get let go early. That's a good thing, because that means you can still get benefits. There's still unemployment benefits.

Speaker 2:

I don't know that those are going to be around when they start laying off the masses, because the truth is we're about to go into a recession and a depression. I saw the bond market crash worst crash ever and I'm expecting much more to come. They have a lot of reasons to play it down. They have a lot of reasons to not be telling the truth, and they also have a lot of not the brightest people in place right now. We have a lot of greed. We have a lot of horrible people running everything and they're selfish. They don't care about the group as a whole. They're not going to worry about anybody but themselves, and so they're going to lie, cheat steal and we see that. We see that all over the place there's more fraud than ever and I don't see the top people coming together and I worry that they're going to start wars and I worry about a lot of things and I think now is the time for us to connect because we can cultivate each other and we can create our own system, because the other one's falling apart.

Speaker 2:

But all that aside, what I want to offer is hey, if you're struggling, if your things are falling apart for you, we will get in touch with you and your intrinsic goodness, because it is the future you need to. We'll need to create our own worlds. We'll need to create our own careers. We're going back to the times of Abe Lincoln, where it was like you studied your stuff on your own. Do you know? There's four states that you can be a lawyer in without ever having to go to law school? And then there's another three or four states that you can take some law classes and go take the bar exam. That's quite a few states that you could actually, right now, drop out and go take the bar exam for or study if you got some crappy job and you're quiet, quitting and take a bar exam and become a lawyer without having to go to school. I'm tempted to do it. I don't know how much long legal system will be around. You can pass the bar without having to take law school. You know you should consider it.

Speaker 2:

Why do we need to go through all that education? Why do you need to have all of that data? And that's one of the things that I have been going through with my children. It's like look, you guys have a lot of abilities. Why are we spending all this money for you to learn this? When the dad is out there, you can get this yourself.

Speaker 2:

I'm looking at it myself and I'm going to put a video of John Taylor Gatto talking about how much damage our system does, how it peels us away from ourselves, how it destroys brilliance, how he thinks genius is rather common and what really is undoing it all is our education system, particularly our public. But even are not public, because I have family members who are struggling in the really expensive private schools because they care about homework. Homework is just there to condition you not to learn but to be a kid who stays late and works and makes somebody a lot of money. And then if you're neurodivergent. As soon as they get short focus, which is right now, they're going to be focused mostly on the short term, which is why they laid off all the diversity people and they are not concerned about long term. They're like making their money, making sure things hum and they look good and that they sell whatever they need and get whatever those books look good. And now things are going to start crashing and, as a result, we're not going to have any long term anything.

Speaker 2:

I foresee. Business is going out of business left and right because we have huge dinosaur corporations all over the place and the only way they're going to stay in business is if our government bails them out. But our government just put out a budget estimate that says everything crashes pretty much in 2053, which defined an interesting number, because in 2053 was when the first Limits to Growth book estimated that we would all crash. But that didn't include the ecological issues we're having. So that's a pretty rosy one, because now that Limits to Growth book came back and did a second revision and they said 2040. So 2040 is the time, so that's 13 years that the government's saying definitely going to be dead by 2053. And then the rest of the population is like we think it's going to happen at 2040. And then I saw somebody I read it say 2027.

Speaker 2:

But I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't go through something pretty fierce right now, in the 2020s, and, as a result, we come out in the 2030s and those of us who are neurodivergent, those of us have that intrinsic motivation and intrinsic intuition Right now. If you can get in touch with that, you can create a whole new path, and I want to create a whole new path. I want to make a network of gifted neurodivergence so that we can help each other out and we can be there for each other. As this crash comes. Your intrinsic motivation, your lack of extrinsic motivation, is fantastic when everything goes too crap. It's fantastic because you're going to want to sit down and figure out what you needed to always do and be and get on it. We are going to have to pave our own way. This is what's going to happen. It's going to get worse and worse.

Speaker 2:

The system's breaking and back in the times of the Great Depression, people were trying to survive and it wasn't the gifted neurodivergence who couldn't figure it out. It was actually the ones who were average. It's the ones who have gotten used to the system and expected always to be there and they don't know what they're doing. And we've been taught in school system partial information. It's not 3D, it's 2D. So you can't actually apply that to start your own corporation or business and that's the whole goal. But those of us who have 3D thinking, we already know how things come together. That's our spatial giftedness. We know how it all comes together.

Speaker 2:

So we need to get you going into your intuition because it will lead you where you need to go. It's what led me here. It's what led me on my parenting and my children's education. It's what helped me heal from my childhood. It is all there in your own head. You have more than enough ability to figure out what you need to do next. All you need to do is figure out how to get back in touch with it. It is there. I guarantee you it's there, and we will keep talking about this in my follow-up ones.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to talk about this as kind of like my new theme of how we get back in touch with ourselves to find our intrinsic intuition, to fully realize our genius, because that's where it is. It's an intrinsic intuition. Extrinsic intuition is stupidity. It makes you a pawn. It makes you a mega person or a religious follower who feels really deeply about something but can't tell you why. Feelings equal intelligence. Feelings roll up to knowledge. They are your sensing data rolling up and connecting with your intellectual data and becoming full understanding. We have divided those two, we have separated them, but they're supposed to come together and they always come together for the gifted neurodivergence who find their path.

Speaker 2:

That's it for my podcast this week. I hope it was valuable. I hope that you guys will keep continuing to listen. If you have topics you want to hear about, if there's things that you need help with, hit me up on my 20 minute free meeting or send me an email. I'm here for you guys. I want you to survive and thrive. This is our time. It is the creatives who always change the world when stuff hits the wall, take care.

Speaker 1:

The views, information and opinions expressed on this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent Gifted NT Incorporated, lillian Skinner or the Gifted Nord Divergent Podcast. This podcast, lillian Skinner and Gifted NT Incorporated are not responsible and do not verify the accuracy of the information contained in this podcast series. The primary purpose of this podcast is to inform and educate. The Gifted Nord Divergent podcast is only available for private, non-commercial use. Any other use of the information contained within this podcast must be done with express written approval and knowledge of Lillian Skinner. You may not edit, modify or redistribute any part of this podcast. The developer assumes no liability for this podcast or its use on any other podcast or other media.