The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

Sensitivity: The Link Between Intelligence, Insanity, and Chronic Illness

Lillian Skinner Season 2 Episode 44

In this episode, I explore the detrimental effects of societal expectations on highly sensitive individuals. I argue that the most damaging aspect of the relationship between sensitivity, intelligence, and insanity arises from societal institutions, especially education. These institutions often favor psychopathic and narcissistic traits at the expense of highly sensitive individuals, leading to frequent chronic mental and physical health issues.

I present examples of renowned geniuses throughout history who have suffered due to their heightened intelligence and sensitivity in American and European societies. This highlights the harsh reality that our society often fails to properly value those who make significant contributions, treating them instead as disposable resources.

I stress the need for paradigm shifts that more effectively support sensitive individuals. I suggest creating specialized environments dedicated to and for sensitive people, where their unique values and talents are acknowledged, understood, and fostered. Neglecting to make these changes risks losing those most equipped to develop solutions for our future challenges. 

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast and Topic
00:12 Society's Impact on Mental and Physical Health
01:17 The Power of Intellectual Autonomy
01:43 Global Threats and the Need for Self-Trust
03:59 The Role of Empathy and Altruism
05:26 The Flaws of the Education System
06:47 The Importance of Storytelling
09:48 The Struggles of Being Different
10:14 The Power of a Healthy Environment
13:36 The Importance of Unity and Collaboration
14:30 The Role of Education in Suppressing Genius
21:15 The Impact of Forced Education on Gifted Children
23:45 The Need for Change in the Education System
26:03 The Impact of Peer Intelligence on Child Development
26:47 The Misunderstanding of Gifted Children's Development
27:01 The Struggle of Raising Gifted Children in a Conventional System
27:39 The Importance of Nurturing Individuality in Children
30:03 The Power of Healing Through Connection
32:34 The Tragic Impact of the Education System on Creatives
34:11 The Health Struggles of Historical Geniuses
39:44 The Need for a New Approach to Education for Highly Sensitive People
45:12 The Power of Sensory Perception in Learning
49:33 The Importance of Cultivating and Healing Each Other
50:09 The Inefficiency of Traditional Teaching Methods
50:40 Updates and Future Plans
51:15 Conclusion: The Value of This Discussion

I reference the following sources in this podcast.
Terry Doyle Talking About His Book - Learner Centered Teaching

The Learning Pyramid of Retention
The table Information transmission rates of the senses shows how much information is processed by each of the five senses. This table immediately directs attention to the problem of determining what is happening to all this data. In other words, the human body sends 11 million bits per second to the brain for processing, yet the conscious mind seems to be able to process only 50 bits per second. 

Donald and Gua - Infant, Human and Chimpanzee, Raised as Siblings.

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 Sensitivity: The Link Between Intelligence, Insanity, and Chronic Illness 

[00:00:00] Hello, everyone. Welcome to the gifted neurodivergent podcast. My name is Lillian Skinner. 

In the previous podcast, I talk about chronic health issues with Irene Gottlieb that are related to our giftedness and our neurodivergence. Today I want to talk about how our society affects those chronic health issues, our mental health and how all of those are intertwined because of our high sensitivity. 

I think the number one reason our society negatively affects our sensitivity, which negatively affects our mental and physical health. Is because we live in a society that is set up to reward psychopathy above all else. It's set up to reward narcissism in the middle ranks and psychopaths at the highest breaks. 

We have a society that rewards psychopaths. It does not reward those of us who are highly sensitive, who have very high empathy. Even though, if we wanted to, we could take the high empathy and destroy the world around us. We could inflict incredible damage because that high empathy is such brilliance. It is such knowing of the spaces around us, but we wouldn't do that. We wouldn't do that [00:01:00] because a part of our sensitivity is also a strong altruism. A need to make sure others are okay and we couldn't do what. Our society. Celebrates other people doing. We couldn't be psychopaths.

We can't do this because we are wired in another way. We are wired for strong intellectual autonomy. We cannot be conditioned like others can, we cannot be rewarded like others. And I think this is incredibly valuable. 

I think that this is going to be a lifesaver in the future because intellectual autonomy has been a lifesaver in my past. And I see its value now more than ever in the history of the last 6,000 years. 

Our world is going to be changing so much. I saw something today that said Russia Was threatening to put nuclear weapons into space. If they do this, if they were to put nuclear weapons into space, they would be threatening our entire satellite network, which is pretty much how we transfer our data across the globe., We [00:02:00] would literally be facing. A hundred year reset.

I thought, Hmm. They keeps saying in futurism that we're going to go back a hundred years in the next 10, I wonder, if that's the a hundred years that they are talking about. That would be a huge impact on our global organization . Our ability to have networks. It could result in massive change for our ability to get food, Energy, water, sewage, the most basic things. And that's why we'd go back 100 years.

 This hasn't happened . This is just something that Russia is threatening, But I believe this is just the beginning the amount of turmoil and destruction and fear that is going to start to percolate up. We're facing a time where we're going to have to learn to trust ourselves, have amazing discernment. Part of that is understanding our intellectual autonomy. 

Mine is very high. So, high I'm a weirdo for it. But it has been incredibly valuable to me . It has saved my life. It [00:03:00] has allowed me to see where things are going and get in front of things. 

in a society that seems to be filled with regret. I don't have much. See most of the way I moved through the world as a learning experience. I see most of the choices I made as the best choice that could have made in the situation I made it. I don't hold myself to the standard that we are forced to live by, nor do I care if other people think that I've achieved anything. For me, I am the one who has to live with my choices and I can honestly say. I've made the best ones given the time, space and resources I had. I made the right choices and it is beautiful to be able to look back on your life when you're more than halfway through it and say that.

But I have to be honest with you. I didn't really get a choice. I was never allowed to think too much about it because my body sort of acted. Without my brains consent. My heart has always been what's led me around. [00:04:00] It has always been the thing that decided what was best for the group as a whole. And I couldn't do some things that I wanted to do because my body would not let me. 

 That sounds really incredibly weird and it sounds really incredibly strange to say, but I've come to realize that this is my intellectual autonomy. My embodied cognition. I just have these two things so high. It has taken 40 years of my life to catch up cognitively. On the intelligence my body has always possessed. 

I think that this is the thing that keeps us from being horrible people that keeps us from falling apart. That keeps us from really being like everyone else, because. When your body calls the shots when you're heart is your guide. You cannot move to the world as a destructive force, you have to be a change for good. Even though [00:05:00] people want to tell me that I'm narcissistic or obviously suffering grandiosity. I wish they could just spend a day in my body and head and see how little choice I have to be anything but what I am. 

This is why fellow echoists we cannot be conditioned into anything. 

This is nature's way of trying to keep humanity's survival balanced with its harmony. I fear that this has been subverted though. It's been subverted in our society, and it's been subverted in our history , through our education systems. Which prize students who comply and punish students, who question. They punish students like me, students who have a lot of intellectual autonomy. 

As a child, I could never ask the right question. my questions either stumped or angered. And I didn't understand why, but now I do. I wasn't using the information they taught us to use. I was using my own. My intellectual autonomy is so high it makes me an outcast. It scares others that I see things that are right in front of us, but they don't see. 

My parents told me as a [00:06:00] child that I was highly manipulative and scheming. But I was neither. I was simply trying to understand what they wanted from me, the more data they gave me, the more data I could see, what they were doing was probably not ethical. So they stopped giving me the data, and that kept me from knowing the whole situation. It also kept me from figuring out what type of output they wanted me to give them. So I was constantly getting in trouble for not reading their mind.

I was scapegoated and shut out of the communication channels and I see the same thing happening to 2e children in our schools. I see an entire system set up to give only so much data so that no one can connect the dots on the true intention or value of what our system's doing or what our businesses are doing, et cetera. 

 I can't stand it when it's not fair. I must say what I see. I must show what I see. Right now. I'm about to do that again.

 I process so much data in the world naturally that I'm in a constant state of curiosity and anything slightly different makes me seek to understand the world more. But I lack of vocabulary that the rest of the world, and all those silos that are [00:07:00] there, follow. Which forces me to use a lot of story. As you know, if you've listened to my podcast. But this allows me to see how in the past, we also used to use story or Tales

Tales everyone could understand but the level of comprehension would have been different for each person. Today for doing that I am marginalized 

You're not supposed to say story. Story doesn't have only facts. We're supposed to use only facts. But facts do not tell the whole story. Facts do not tell you the context. Facts disable you from seeing the big picture. 

A hundred years ago, maybe even 50 years ago, we were aware of this, but today we are not. Because the system has lost their natural intelligence. And so have the people it employs to run it. 

You can see this in our science papers, where they use vocabulary, that is so complex. And so individualistic that regular people can't use the data. They struggled to read the science papers, and now we have to [00:08:00] create tools such as AI to understand them because the specialist can not communicate with others, which means the data's siloed and we cannot have holistic views.

Now I want you to think of children who have autism and how they are little specialists running around and how sometimes it's really hard to communicate with them because they haven't developed the full ability To tell a story. They lack the context, that has not developed yet the ability to converse and go back and forth and answer questions is something that they are learning after they learned facts because facts are easy.

So they data dump on you and we consider this disability. And yet we live in a system that operates in this manner and will not recognize it. The people running the system don't understand my stories, the people I'm trying to reach, who I'm talking about. They clearly understand them, but those running it dismiss me. The more [00:09:00] vocabulary I obtain, the more they seem to push me away. There are no different than my teachers or parents. They fear that it'll change things or subvert them. 

It can't have somebody who learns from the environment more than it learns what they want you to learn. They can't control you. They can control your output. Unless you agree to use their methodology, unless you agree to only ask questions, they pre-approve and release the answers that supports their assumptions. You have to be dismissed. This is the output of a 2D system. 

The system or science is based on the evidence to support it. But includes no natural scientists who observed the world as natural scientists do and should. In essence, we have lost our checks and balances of people who question. They're gone and that's how I believe what I'm going to address next. Has come about and been allowed to occur.

The insanity of the mind is very similar to sickness of the body. Chronic illness is found in many of us with neurodivergence and high intelligence, because we're unable to stop the flood of inputs we take in. Our body processes them and tries [00:10:00] to communicate them to the conscious, but the methods we are forced to use in our system does not allows us to use them. So we pile up all those inputs until our mind or body breaks. For those of us who are 2e, it can manifest in both body and mind breaking completely. 

The only thing we can do to fix this is to create our own place. A place where our intelligence is allowed to be free and natural. A place that allows us to move through the world as we should have, or should be. Nature heals trauma, because nature allows us to function as we should. 

In the right environment, in a healthy environment or sensitivity is a gift. In the wrong environment in an unhealthy environment our sensitivity is a curse. 

We are orchids. We can grow abundantly beautifully fantastically. If we are just given the right environment, we don't actually need much cultivation. We learn by being, we learned by living, we learned from each other many, many times than we learn in the environment that we call our education systems. 

I [00:11:00] know what my healthy environment looks like. because I've always known what I needed. It's innate for those, with sensitivity, like mine. Our sensitivity, forces us to learn certain things that our society doesn't necessarily want us to learn. It forces us to be of healthy mind and body. I have always known what didn't work and knew if I stayed in the environment that I grew up in that I found myself in, in my twenties. I would break. I knew I couldn't settle for what others did. I knew through living and deduction that I could create it. 

And I did create what I needed. It was not easy, but it also really wasn't that hard. But it doesn't match what science today says is necessary for us or good for us. This has worked out for me and it has worked out for my children. I know what I needed. I gave it to my kids. I was relieved and delighted to find the outcomes are that they didn't struggle with their mental or physical health like I did as a kid. 

I was constantly sick as a child. I [00:12:00] had all that chronic illness that I talked about in the podcast with Irene and then some. I was constantly in a state of mental unwellness. I was suicidal. I am alive today because I focused on taking care of others and not myself, . I had to put myself so far aside, fully embrace echoism and the echoism saved me. It was something I had to hold on to in order to get through a horrible situation. 

My children don't have the childhood I did, but they are still really sensitive. They just don't struggle with it. They know how to use it. They know how to adapt with it. They know how much they can take of the regular world or certain situations. They know when to come back, they know how to restore. They know how to take care of themselves.

That was not something I got. Instead of learning or being taught how I moved to the world and how I worked the best or took care of myself. I was told I needed to build up my resilience, build up my stamina, stop bleeding all the time. Stop nose running all the time. Stop being sick. [00:13:00] Stop being annoying. Stop being needy. Stop being different, just fit in.

So I struggled because none of those things were things I had control over and none of those things were constructive that I could apply.

 It wasn't until I got out of those places where I was struggling, where I was trying to fit in, where I was trying to be something I wasn't. That I found my full potential. I found who I am. I found what I was good at. I found out how to repeat the processes that worked for me. I found out I cannot maintain this alone. I believe that this is necessary to be built for not just my children, but other people's. I believe I can't maintain this alone. Because if we don't unite, we will struggle to build by ourselves. Separated we are weak, but together we are strong.

Our society is unfair. It's corrupt. It serves some people and costs others. Those of us with high sensing, we experienced a lot more cost than we do benefit.. It's both easy and hard for people with higher sensing, driven intelligence to navigate that. We can see the game, we can see [00:14:00] the corruptness, we can see where we will be able to change it for good and where that will be futile. Right now, most of the ways to create any change will be futile. I join group after group, who thinks they're doing good by introducing some change. 

 They don't see it the way I do. 

They don't see that the change will not make any difference. The system will still decay because the foundation has been built on is diseased. You cannot save something from disease by treating its individual symptoms. You have to address the root issue. I believe the root issue for our current situation is the education system. 

 I'll propose something now that many will struggle to hear, but please keep an open mind and try to hear me out.

I read occasionally genius has disappeared. I see it very differently. My life experience. The history of my family does not indicate something benign occurred to those who possess strong innate knowledge or strong, high sensing, driven knowledge, but rather something malicious has targeted those with this potential. Something that is willing to sacrifice the most sensitive without a second thought. 

I could see the pattern throughout history to subvert the good of the populous [00:15:00] and deliver power to the worst versions of us. It seems to me today, society has been created. From a battle that has been going on for the hearts and minds of the masses between the psychopaths and the creatives. It shouldn't be a surprise to any of us. The psychopaths are winning. The surprise might be though forced education is unfortunately it's most effective tool.

The idea of that genius comes from hard work is a lie. But worst of all, it's a death sentence for those who truly could be genius. Being a genius does not pay well in society. Most genius isn't recognized until middle age. So if you can make it to middle age without being paid well, well then maybe you could be a genius. But that's highly unlikely.

We subvert children with genius by turning them into prodigies. Uber, children who represent the apex of reproduction of talent from the past. We cultivate and require these children to perform in such a way that it subverts their natural growth and cost them their creative potential in the long run. This is why prodigy doesn't manifest into genius.

The powerful don't really [00:16:00] want your creative potential, unless they can control it. They don't want it unless it's benign areas like music, art, or math, and they can funnel it into the machine and make you prove yourself while making other people rich on your way up the ladder to make anything for yourself in the end. This prevents the most brilliant and big picture from getting a chance to be seen. Or paid for what they can do Because if you don't manifest your potential until middle-age. By then, you've either already been pushed out of the system or you have found yourself in a position That pays. well But doesn't use your talent. Or it doesn't pay you well, and you're struggling to survive. And in survival mode you can never access your talent. 

so you are prevented from really changing the world for good, you're prevented from getting a platform to offer your perspective. You're prevented from really contributing to history at all.

Our systems purposely do not try to understand outliers. By focusing on the middle, they subvert the needs of those whose sensitivity cannot keep up [00:17:00] with the hardiness of average. 

They pretend and declare and say how they've leveled the playing field so that everyone is the same and everyone has the chance. But that's a lie because nature already leveled the playing field. nature, leveled it from the beginning. It gave those of us with higher understanding, higher sensitivity higher altruism and weaker bodies. 

They also separate the outliers from each other. So they can't find and cultivate each other. They can't recreate the time such as the enlightenment era. Or the Vienna circle from happening, unless those in power make it happen, they allow it. and they bring them together. As you look through history, you will find and notice genius appears in groups of brilliant thinkers who find each other. You can see this in music bands that are amazing, like queen, you can see this in ART communities we had back in the seventies and the eighties in the major cities. 

The idea that we have lone genius is a myth. It takes a long time to create the patterns of multidimensional understanding and the subconscious brain that makes you brilliant. It takes the right [00:18:00] environment, filled with peers of the same level to help you cultivate it. We have lost this now for the arts, for music, But most of all, especially, the intellectuals.

There were times that we did have this. Times like the enlightenment era. A period characterized by a surge of intellectual, philosophical, and scientific endeavors. We had thinkers like Voltaire, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Thinkers who challenged traditional authority, embraced the notion humanity could improve through rational change and laid a groundwork for the modern world. But it also founded a movement that developed the Prussian education system. In retaliation for such open thinking and waton disregard for Money power, stature. And allowing Napoleon to essentially waltz into Europe and conquer it. The Prussian education system was developed , a system that was specifically created to subvert this type of brilliant collective from ever happening again.

But it did happen again. It just appeared in a different space. This time in the philosophical. We had a [00:19:00] romantic period which followed the enlightenment era. It was a reaction to the industrial revolution and the scientific realization of nature. We have notable poets such as williams' wordsmith, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and composers, like Ludwig Von Beethoven and artists like Caspar David Friedrich.

 It happened again in Vienna, the Vienna circle. That was a realm of philosophy and science, a group of intellectuals that met in the the twenties and thirties, of the 1900s. Discussing the foundation of science, logic, and language. They were instrumental in developing logical, positivism, and had a profound influence on the philosophy of science.

We also had one with Carl Jung, Sigmund Freud and their contemporaries. Where we had groundbreaking, psychological and psychiatry developing the unconscious mind. That was something we hadn't ever considered before. Their work still stands today on human behavior and mental processing.

We had our last one with Einstein and the physicist of the mid 20th century, Albert Niels, Bohr, Verner, Heisenberg, Erwin Schrodinger, all revolutionized the understanding of our physical universe. Their quantum [00:20:00] mechanics theory revolutionized scientific thought.

It was clear these men were brilliant, but it was also clear repeatedly. These are groups of men. Always men.

What happened to the women? They were separated. What happened to other cultures? They were separated. 

What happened after each of these movements is we never found another like them. The following movements, were smaller. They were less celebrated. They ultimately were then never repeated. So that today, They're gone. We have nothing like them. Today when there's 8.1 billion people and there should be More than ever before. We cannot find them.

The easiest way to prevent a group of brilliant people coming together is by marginalizing and separating them. After 300,000 years of humanity, it seems really hard for me to believe that we don't know what gifted looks like. Yet we are suddenly discovering profoundly gifted people in the 21st century. How can that be? 

The separating of the outliers from each other [00:21:00] is the death to their collaboration. The most sensitive need each other to grow. They don't need to be in a classroom. They don't need to be instructed by teachers. Most of us learn on our own. If given a proper cultivating environment.

Based on my experience, growing up in a family of savant. Raising children who are prodigies, working with people who are brilliant and watching them struggle on the tiny, stupid things Watching them, in some cases, literally implode I see a trend that is much worse than most see, I see something getting in the way of their ability to manifest their full potential. And I believe. It is the very foundation of us being forced to be a part of the average that is causing this. 

It's being a part of a world. We're average is the ideal. Trying to be average is harmful to us. They expect us to be like them. to learn, and act and produce in a manner of average, knowing full well, this would have killed us as a species in our history. The profoundly gifted are being damaged [00:22:00] and in the case of prodigious savant, like my family, destroyed. By the mass educations that focus on the 80 to 120 IQ. 

For a gifted student, a student with profound giftedness, the IQ gap is substantial. 

If we educated one or two average children in a class with students who are at the IQ level of 35, which would be equivalent of the same distance from average that a profoundly gifted student would be. That would be catastrophic for their development. Yet we think nothing of that same gap for students who are average and have a couple of profoundly gifted. students in their classroom.

We know that students who are put into disabled classes when they are average or smart suffer because they go under cultivated. That shows up is under achievement, social isolation, low self-esteem, behavioral issues, a longterm impact to their academic prospects and career. We see intellectual stagnation, loss and interest in learning, limited growth, emotional distress, limited peer mirroring, mismatch assessment and evaluation, development of coping [00:23:00] mechanisms, misdiagnosis, impacted self identity or sense of self development. I hope you can see what I'm saying. 

 These are the same issues that I have addressed in this podcast for the last year. These are the issues that we identify in 2e. According to our own psychology. These are the issues we identify in 2e. These are the issues of children who are labeled as learning disabled when they are not. 

We see the same issues who our children are labeled 2e and forced to be in regular classes. Instead of helping our children, instead of putting them in places where they can be successful. We ABA them essentially by forcing them into tutoring, by forcing them to be as average as they can, by making them practice to be something they could not be simply because they're biologically different. They're psychologically different. 

I don't hear anybody, anywhere talking about this level of damage, being an actual outcome of children being put in regular classes, Who are not supposed to be there. because they are [00:24:00] too different from the middle. We would never do that with children who were on the lower side. Yet, we think nothing of it for children on the. Outer site. 

We force our most gifted children to internalize shame and inappropriateness and make them feel like they are broken in our school system because they simply aren't supposed to be there. Why don't we have 2e children in groups together who cares about their deficiencies. They will round those out together, but instead we keep 2e children down in regular classes when they are actually higher than the other gifted children. The other identified moderately to highly gifted children. They never can reach their full potential. We are not paying enough attention to this. It is a big deal. 

We put the children who are most gifted in with average. 

It is not beneficial to the 2e children who are mismatched and put in a group of average peers. It is only beneficial to the children [00:25:00] Who are average or moderately gifted?. 

This is why we have scholarship for private schools for gifted children. It is beneficial to the kids whose parents pay to have brighter children to push their children to higher thinking, more critical thinking, more ways of understanding the world.

If you take 2e children and you remove the negative things that I described earlier, all you are left with is gifted overexcitabilities. 

 There is a study out there of a boy named Donald and a chimpanzee Gua that was raised by a couple of psychologists. The boys parents were that couple of psychologists and they wanted to see if they raised their son with the chimpanzee in their own home, their baby son, with the baby chimpanzee. If the chimpanzee could talk. 

 That was the goal of experiment. The experiment was abruptly ended early. And the notes say the chimpanzee was Getting too strong and they were worried about him harming Donald. their are notes also [00:26:00] indicate their son was not meeting his developmental milestones. That instead of talking, he was now grunting and acting closer to what the chimpanzee was acting. 

The chimpanzee never did learn to speak. It was elevated a little bit in its development. But the chimpanzee couldn't break the language barrier. Whereas the baby boy never recovered. He lived with his parents for the rest of his life and after they died, he killed himself. It changed his entire life outcome because he was raised with a peer with such a significant lower intelligence. There are other studies that talk about similar things where children are raised by dogs or wolves, and they can't break six years old intelligence. They talk about children who are raised in a Romanian orphanage, and they are stunted for the rest of their lives. 

Another takeaway from this story was how much faster the Chimp developed over the human baby. Donald lagged behind the Chimp, because his development was so much more complex. Yet we continue to insist gifted children should be hitting milestones. Sooner [00:27:00] than their peers. I disagree. My children have never hit all the gifted markers. They've hit some randomly, some extremely, especially my son. His school's constantly let me know that he was inconsistent in his assessments. And my response was. Did he show that he could do it? And they said yes, but he didn't show that he could do it when we asked for it on demand. He just showed him the day to day. I said, well, who cares? I don't care if he's learning it. That's all I care about, but I don't care that he can't repeat it on demand. He's not a robot. He's a child. 

This is where I was wrong. His goal was to be a robot. His goal was to be someone who had it on demand. And I didn't really fully understand that till much later. By comparing our children to the gifted versus not. We put so much anxiety in parents who have high sensing children. High sensing children are going to have a different trajectory. They're going to grow in a different manner. I know children who don't talk for years past normal and still become brilliant. 

My husband and I've worked with people who were [00:28:00] massively late talkers and then got full scholarships while they were still in high school to MIT. It's amazing how dumb we are about this. The most brilliant people do not develop in the same way. They're outliers. 

Why would we ever think that they would be average or even show up on the charts in any manner? That doesn't make sense, outliers don't fall into the standard deviations. So therefore we shouldn't be using them. But we still do, always the focus on average, always the focus on data , that destroys us.

In fact, I saw a recent study that was talking about gifted kids met their marker and the only one one that wasn't, there was pottying that we can't really trust pottying. Well, I think that's a huge plus because the kids who are autistic, they don't feel a lot of interoception. They don't have really high body signals because their dopamine so high, it's constantly taking their emotions and turning it into logic. 

So they wouldn't feel that very well. So when they're potty training, it's a different [00:29:00] story. I think we need to reassess everything because it's all based on oppression.

 If you are putting our children in with children who have a 65 point IQ difference, we are diminishing our children. If we are not offering them work at the level, they need to be cultivated. If we are labeling them as deficient, when the opposite is true, it will change the outcome of that child's reality and potential. There's no benefit to a child. No matter what others say about socialization. It doesn't benefit. 

I know this because I have done this. I have an oldest and a middle kid. I have my middle kid home. She would prefer not to have to go into the systems. And I understand why, because I was that child tortured by the systems too. 

My oldest wanted to stay and I can see where he did not develop in certain areas that my middle kid developed a long time ago because she was home. We cannot make our children be something our system wants them to be. We have to let them be who they are. We have to let them manifest to their full fruition. I know this because I sit [00:30:00] across from people and I see how they are underdeveloped. 

But, and this is a huge, but we are able to fix each other, the 2es have that higher plasticity for longer because we're so rare. This allows us to fix each other. We should not be sending our children to average people for coaching that is not going to help them. That is going to hurt them. 

That is going to cause them to work against themselves longer. We are able to fix each other . This is the thing I have figured out from raising my own children and working with people like me. We heal each other and can make each other whole. If we are equal in our sensitivity and intelligence, we offer the ability for mirroring to be that intense that we will heal each other. 

When I met my husband. We were not fully developed. we both had broken areas because we both came from places where we were told so much so often what was wrong with us? But yet in our marriage, within the first few years, the first five, we healed each other. We healed each other and raised each other up [00:31:00] in those areas. We had very candid conversations about what we needed to heal. 

 We were able to mirror each other that we are now whole people. We look at couples that we are close friends with, who are also 2e couples. And we are in a different space than they are, even though we started in the same place because I have gone in trying to figure this out. Because I had to for my children, because this is my savant area because I needed to do this so I could finally heal. I did not find healing in the system. I went to psychologist and psychiatrist and all of these therapists, and nobody told me the truth about me. Nobody listened to the truth about me. I have always known myself and I have been constantly told I don't. But when I found people like me, when I had people like me, Healing was just a part of our relationship.

Our brains are so plastic they heal. When I talk to my clients, I am still continuing to heal as they heal. Our ability to heal [00:32:00] is amazing. And it is because we are rare. It is because nature knows that we weren't going to find each other very often. So it gave us the option of healing our whole life long.

 We heal through our mirroring. We will heal through being in nature. We'll be healed through not having the pressure of being something we can never be, every day, all the time, to fit in with the rest of the crowd. It's not only because things are getting crazy. It's because this is how we reach our full potential. It's because This is how we set up the next civilization for others to join us.

In America, we can see how our education system was used to destroy the native American culture, we can see how effective it has been. We can see the outcome in the native American communities, much more clearly than we can see in mainstream our own. What happened to the native American culture is exactly what happened to the creatives in our culture. 

We have unmarked graves of children murdered as part of the destruction of native American culture. We have children's lives destroyed, families [00:33:00] pulled apart because that is a part of the model of the Prussian education system that we have adopted.

The reason our children go to school at five and don't stay home because the children are indoctrinated. This is how you dominate. A nation. Our schooling was never about education or creating intelligence. It's about terraforming, the minds of the populace to bend to the will of the ruling class. We have shipped this education system around the world. And now we're in peril because we don't have any brilliant people. The creatives or healthy way of being the future is scary. 

We have children shooting up schools. They're doing so because that is the source of their pain. We don't recognize this. We keep sending them back. 

The most sensitive people don't want to be in the system. We get sick in the system. We die younger in the system. Our education narrative is about hard work and geniuses working even through illness. Why did they have illness? Why is it rampant among the geniuses of our past? That they have so much chronic illness, so much mental illness.

Because our system does not honor their [00:34:00] sensitivity. It's enslaves them and keeps them trapped. So they pine away and die young, broken hurt, destroyed. Many of them poor.

The list I'm about to read off will give you historical reference of genius, who struggled with constant ailments, mental illness. And this is just a tiny portion. These are all very recognizable names. There are both men and women. The real list is too long for this podcast. There are so many that I cannot list them.

Albert Einstein various health issues including anxiety and heart conditions.

Isaac Newton digestive issues, insomnia, mercury poisoning. Periods of intense introspection, mood swings, social withdrawal, bipolar or other mental health conditions.

 Charles Darwin, gastrointestinal problems, heart palpitations, fatigue anxiety and hypochondria. 

 Ludwig van Beethoven progressive hearing loss, various gastrointestinal ailments, alcoholism Depression, anxiety, mood swings, at [00:35:00] 56 years old, he died of cirrhosis of the liver.

Leonardo DaVinci. Severe health issues, including paralysis of his right hand, cardiovascular disease, mental issues. 

Stephen Hawking's had ALS, Lou Gehrig's disease. 

 Alexander Graham bell various health issues, including reoccurring bouts of tuberculosis.

John Nash. Severe mental illness, paranoid schizophrenia. 

HP Lovecraft. Various health problems, including anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal issues. 

Abraham Lincoln. Marfan syndrome and endocrine neoplasia type two B both of those are rare genetic illnesses. He also had severe anxiety.

Emily Bronte. Chronic illness, including tuberculosis

Rene Decartes chronic illness, including respiratory problems and gastrointestinal complaints. 

Albert Camus, chronic health issues, including tuberculosis

Jane Austin. Addison's disease, a hormonal disorder affecting her adrenal glands, death at 41. 

John Keats died at the age of 25 from consumption and tuberculosis. 

 Tchaikovsky, depression, anxiety, hypochondria. [00:36:00] 

Robert Louis Stevenson chronic health conditions, including respiratory health and hemorrhaging. 

Edgar De Goss, deteriorating eyesight other health issues. 

Paul Gauguin struggled with chronic illness including syphilis in heart disease. 

Henri de Toulouse-Lautreck had a condition that affect his growth and caused him to fracture bones easily led to significant physical disabilities.

Louisa May Alcott chronic health issues, including mercury poisoning from treatments for Typhoid fever and symptoms of lupus.

Franz Kafka, chronic health issues Tuberculosis and anxiety related disorders.

Johann Sebastian Bach chronic health issues eye problems, gout strokes. 

James Joyce, chronic eye problems, iritis, glaucoma, and eventually near blindness. 

Anton checkoff, tuberculosis, chronic respiratory disease dying in his mid forties.: 

Ernest Hemingway depression, alcoholism, other mental health issues died by suicide at age 61. 

Sylvia Plath: depression died by suicide age, 30. 

Nikola [00:37:00] Tesla: episodes of mental instability, possibly OCD 

Charles Darwin: experienced periods of poor physical health and psychological distress, anxiety, panic attacks, hypochondria.

Emily Dickinson, reclusive life, bouts of depression, emotional turmoil. 

Virginia Wolf. Experienced severe depression, mood swings throughout her life, died of suicide at age 59.

Robert Schumann: struggled with mental illness, severe depression, hallucinations, suicidal ideation. Confined to a mental asylum. 

Michelangelo , perfectionism, traits of being obsessive OCD. Mood swings suggested possible mental health challenges. 

Robert Oppenheimer, depression, anxiety, existential angst throughout his life but especially after he saw the destruction of the bombs, he helped create. 

Vaslav Nivjinski mental illness, delusions, hallucination, mood swings, eventually institutionalized. 

Alan Turing: persecuted for homosexuality, depression, and eventual suicide.

Edgar Allen Poe: personal tradegy [00:38:00] financial struggles, alcoholism, mental health issues, depression, and substance abuse. 

Frederick Nietzsche: deteriorating mental health in his later years, episodes of psychosis, eventual total mental collapse.

 Erwin Schrodinger: depression, relationship issues, periods of emotional instability

Socrates: chose to die by drinking hemlock, than admit that he was corrupting the youth of Athens. This is considered both the mark of genius or mark of a man insane.

Amy Winehouse: addiction, substance abuse, mental health issues, including depression, and bulemia died at age 27. 

David Foster Wallace: depression addiction, suicide at the age of 46. 

Margaret Mead: depression, underwent psychoanalysis throughout her life. 

John Forbes Nash Jr.: Periods of severe mental illness, paranoid schizophrenia. 

Francis Scott Fitzgerald: alcoholism, financial issues, mental health issues, depression, anxiety. 

Eugene LaCroix: periods of melancholy, mood swings, [00:39:00] physical ailments.

Georgia O'Keeffe: anxiety and depression. 

Fyodor Dostoevsky: suffering, epilepsy, depression, and addiction.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mood swings, anxiety, financial instability. 

Ludwig Boltzmann: mental health issues, depression, anxiety. Academic controversies, personal setbacks. 

Jean-Michel Busquait: addiction and mental health died at age 27. 

Emily Dickinson; chronic health issues, eye inflammation, severe headaches, led a reclusive, bouts of depression and emotional turmoil. 

Kanye west: exhibited erratic behavior openly talks about a struggle with bipolar. 

Steve jobs. Known for his emotional outbursts, temper, frustration died young from a curable cancer after choosing an all fruit diet over what doctors recommended.

There's obviously a connection between the geniuses who produced for the system and them struggling, suffering, having constant ailments. We can see that this high sensitivity is present in all of them. We can also see why parents would never want their [00:40:00] child to be a creative. I mean, these are the most successful creatives and the outcome is misery.

Why the heck in the world, would anybody want their child saddled with that? And yet that is what our world is. This is what we are set up for as those of us who are born creative and can be nothing else.

 Why are we just told to change ourselves, take drugs, be something we can't be, why are we not taught to cultivate ourselves? We spend so much energy trying to be average, trying to speak in a manner that's not the way we speak. Think in a manner that's not the way we think. Slow down our speech, use smaller words, elaborate, but don't elaborate too much No over communicating or under communicating. We are constantly being critiqued in manners. We're held to a standard that we can never live up to and it's destroying us.

Going into the school system, with an IQ of 1 65 or higher, being a part of a system when you're 65, 55 or even 45 points higher than the average is detrimental. [00:41:00] I believe most of the 2e issues are from atrophy. Atrophy in the areas where we don't teach ourselves. Atrophy in the areas where we don't have the time and it's not our single joy at that moment. We learned naturally we have super focused. We have special interests. This is extreme learning. Why would we ever take that away and call that dysfunction?,

we are left to wallow in the education system. It is closer to a prison than it is a garden where you are cultivated. We are treated poorly by our peers, were scapegoated by the teachers and were tortured by the curriculum, content, pacing in school room environment. While at the same time, intellectuals wonder out loud where all the geniuses went. 

They have not gone anywhere. They're simply been destroyed from attaining their potential. What other outcome can you imagine when you place them in an education system? That denies them, who they are, every step of the way. That does not try to figure out who they are or cultivate them. And won't release them so that they can figure that out outside of the system.

It is outside the system that Newton [00:42:00] cultivated his genius. His uncle took him in as a young boy after his mother remarried. He found Isaac to be smart, but noted, he wasn't doing well in school. Why don't you just run around in the woods? His uncle told him and learn the way we naturally learn. 

I know this happens because I've watched it happen with my own children. I've watched them notice patterns in nature. I've watched my math savant translate those patterns to numbers, and I've watched her use that to pass tests way beyond her years. My other two, they translate to the humanities. 

Einstein, how did he find his genius? 

I guarantee you, what the biggest contributor to his genius was being a patent office clerk. Getting those patents every day, , where he was interested in just looking at them, understanding how the genius of other people's work as a foundation in your twenties. That delivers for years, and decades. I don't consider myself anywhere close to what Einstein was. 

I'm not a science person, but I can totally see how having it at that formative age. Like I did when I worked at the library as a teenager and I was handed book after book, by other people who could see that I was [00:43:00] thirsting for knowledge and understanding of the world around me. Their understanding of excellent authors and feeding me that. Was not just something that was valuable. It saved my life, because without that, I would not have had a life worth living for. 

We do not understand that sensitive people can learn on their own, that they learn from their environment. That's so much of their learning is immersive. The highly sensitive people don't need a system to cultivate them that they can have each other and it can be enough. They can figure it out. That's how we learned for many, many millennia before this time.

The biggest contributor to my mental and physical health has been freedom. Freedom of the schedule, freedom of being obligated to others for a job, for money, for people who are not my family, or narcissist and only concern themselves with money and not my wellbeing. Freedom to figure out what I am good at. We don't have to fix ourselves. We actually find this by being ourselves, by finding ourselves.

I am [00:44:00] trying to create what I see in history. Every time a group of people who are highly sensitive and deep thinkers get together and multiply the effects of how amazing they are. I have to do this for my children. I have to do it for myself and I would like to do it with others like me. People who are starving for that creative cultural experience. 

I don't care what you are told by the systems About your intelligence. The highly sensitive people that's all I need. They don't recognize so many kinds of intelligence, Mine being one of them. We don't need to go by labels. We don't need to worry about education styles. 

 If we don't do this, What will happen will be chronic illness and chronic mental health issues and people losing their minds because that's what happens to the most sensitive people in our cultures. 

The pandemics that we just had and will continue to keep having, as somebody who just got COVID twice in the last three weeks. I know that I am going to be affected by [00:45:00] what is coming. I know that you are going to be effected by what is coming. Chronic illness will be the name of the game. For those of us with high sensitivity. We have to get out of the masses because we're going to constantly be sick.

Now let's just talk about how that high sensitivity affects our intelligence, how it creates our multi dimensional thinking. 

Dr. Linda Silvermans 3D thinking was a breakthrough for me. It finally gave me a vocabulary for the complexity I experienced. I didn't understand why some people understood my perspectives, but more did not. When you look at how we use our external facing senses. You can quickly see why we would be more dimensional thinkers. You can see how our sensing directly contributes to our multi-dimensional thinking. Because it creates more complex modeling. 

when you look at what our external sensing is, it definitely is part of that complexity of modeling. Our extraoreception or sensing outside the body covers vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch, temperature, pain, balance, [00:46:00] proprioception, pressure, itch, tickling, humidity, electric fields. Magnetoreception- which is earth magnetic fields, time perception, kinesthetic sense, stretch perception, vibration perception, sound localization, texture perception, weight perception, motion perception, spatial perception, distance perception, color perception, form perception, depth perception, shape perception, size perception, object perception, pattern perception, visual acuity, peripheral vision, binocular vision- that's the depth of perception with both eyes, flicker fusion threshold- the ability to perceive rapid light changes, contrast sensitivity, motion after effect- perception of emotion after watching a moving stimuli, sensory adaption to prolonged stimuli, and luminescence brightness. That is only some of them. 

Another way to look at this is this is a rough estimate of the data the brain takes in every day. One commonly cited study published in the journal of computational and mathematical methods in medicine. The [00:47:00] brain processes, 11 million bits of information per second. Over the course of day, this would be approximately 9.5. Petabytes of data. That's an estimate for average. The highly sensitive outliers take in much more than that. So much more that we have to declare it in SPD reports as an issue, as a problem, instead of figuring out how to use it.

If there's one thing that this list should drive home, it is how we form our spacial giftedness. It is why we see the world with greater depth. If we have higher sensing on all those different dimensions. We are going to see the world in a different way. We're going to see the world with greater complexity. We are going to need to be taught in a manner that allows us that a complexity. 

The most successful in the system are going to be the least multi-dimensional thinkers. 2d thinkers when the world, and as a result, our system lacks the ability to see the big picture of where we are, the disaster that is hurtling towards us and how to change or fix our course.

I have a million ideas, I bet you have a million ideas , but I can not get [00:48:00] into our systems to make these changes. I can not find people like me who are in the system. Who's can see what I can see. I need to build this. I think this is our chance to get out of the system and establish ourselves as experts who could see and address the future we're facing. 

According to Dr. Terry Boyle, author of the book Learner Centered Teaching. Our senses are synergistic, which means they operate together. The more sensing you have, the more sensing you use. The more sensing you use, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more connections you grow to the information you already have stored in your long-term memory. And the more complex your patterns you will weave of the world you live in. 

Finally, the more of this, you have, the more autonomous intelligence you will build, and the more confident it will be ongoing your own way. That's where we're headed. We are headed towards going our own way. We will not be able to trust what they have to say because they have no data on what is coming. 

They will not be able to prep appropriately. They will not be able to guess with the best data, because it won't be there. You will be up to us the highest sensing to be the ones to see what will come. [00:49:00] We have a unique advantage as the highest sensing it's needed right now. An advantage to use to benefit everyone. 

This extreme giftedness comes with extreme empathy, extreme sensitivity, the desire to collaborate over, compete and high creativity based on the prompts that surround us, based on the situations we find ourselves in. We are the masters of figuring out in the moment, the solution. That is how our brains are supposed to work. We have been denied that in the system, but we can break away and figure it out and do something with it.

 We have been left uncultivated and we need to make sure we find each other and we heal each other. There's no genetic wrongs in humanity. We are part of the variation of species.

 If we want to recognize and do something about it, we need to find a different, better, healthier way to live. That will not destroy us physically or mentally. We need to follow the examples that the prior genius population set up and see if [00:50:00] we cannot equal them. If we stay in the system, we will destroy our minds and bodies. 

According to the Learning Pyramid of Retention. The highest level of retention for learning is obtained by teaching others, you retain 90% of your efforts. In the typical classroom structure, the teachers are the ones who learn the most, not the students. 

The second best retention for learning is working with your hands creating and making it At 70%. The next is discussion at 50%. Demonstration is 30%. Audio visual combination is 20%. Reading is 10% and lectures 5%. Why, why does our schools teach in the least effective way?

I have a couple updates. We have two locations of potential creative communities, one in Spain and one in the Southeast of America. If you're interested in being part of any of these communities, please let me know. I'll put you in contact with the people who are establishing them.

Also, we are starting a new group called NerdStock. My friend Andrew. He starting this. I'm going [00:51:00] to share the website in a following episode. I encourage you all to join. It's going to be September 22nd out in Portland, and I'll be speaking at it, talking about building community exactly what this podcast has been about.

All right. That's it. Thank you so much for listening. I hope this was valuable. Take care, everyone.

 The views, information, and opinions expressed on this podcast are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent Gifted ND Incorporated, Lillian Skinner, or the Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast. This podcast, Lillian Skinner and Gifted ND Incorporated are not responsible and do not verify the accuracy of the information contained in this podcast series.

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