The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

Interview with a Researcher of Profound Giftedness - Dr. Linda Silverman

Lillian Skinner Season 1 Episode 38

Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast
Dr. Linda Silverman's Notes
December 13, 2023
1. Variation of ways I have seen spatial giftedness manifest.
All endeavors in which the right hemisphere has major involvement.
Mathematical and scientific interests
Big picture thinkers in all fields
Thinking outside the box
The ability to predict trends
Understanding customer needs
Fine arts
Photographic memory
Spiritual awareness
The ability to grasp non-duality
Psychic ability
2. In how many areas does spatial giftedness manifest?
3. What are the highest and lowest manifestations of math, music and emotions?
In mathematics, the highest manifestation might be grasping the mathematics of the universe.
The lowest might be an attraction to numbers and counting.
In music, the highest manifestation might be the ability to compose inspiring music.
The lowest might be appreciation of music.
In emotions, the highest manifestation might be the ability to deeply feel what others are feeling.
The lowest might be emotional intensity without the ability to direct it compassionately.
4. Life-changing aspects of spatial abilities.
As visual-spatial abilities are innate, they are part of the life path of the individual. VSLs see the
world differently from birth. As they are capable of going beyond duality, they are likely to forge
unusual lifestyles, outside the norms of society (e.g., bisexuality, being nonbinary, etc.). Their
sharp intuitive abilities also make them excellent salespersons.
5. What were my first indications that things were not as the education and medical system
said they were?
One of my earliest memories, at around the age of 4, was hearing my older sister say to our
parents, “You made me the way I am!” “I didn’t ask to be born!” I was certain that she was
wrong. I knew that we create our own realities. At 19, I married a man who became a psychic

healer. I lived with miracles. Once I told my Statistics instructor that I didn’t believe in chance.
Education tends to be highly competitive, and the prevailing viewpoints on giftedness are highly
competitive. I have always believed that each of us has a unique mission, and that we don’t
compete with anyone for our destiny. As for medicine, many doctors seed fear in their patients
on the assumption that they are “protecting” them, when they are actually acting out of self-
interest, trying to protect themselves. When the field of medicine finally understands the mind-
body connection, there will be a major shift in medical practice and more effective outcomes.
6. What is the self-motivated journey I went on to where I am today?
I don’t believe I have been self-motivated. The field of giftedness is a calling for me. I was called
to it when I was 17. I believe I am continuing the work of Leta Stetter Hollingworth, who passed
away shortly after I was born. There are so many uncanny connections between us—even our
stubby thumbs!
7. What surprised me the most on my journey? The least?
I was shocked that the testing industry actually listened to me. I was least surprised that the
competitive achievement mindset of the field stubbornly persists.
8. How are empathy and intuition connected with the development of spatial giftedness?
Visual-spatial abilities, empathy and intuition are all connected through the right hemisphere. I
don’t see any of them as “developing”; rather, I believe that they are innate gifts. Individuals
with high visual-spatial abilities can manifest these abilities in endless ways, from flower
arrangements to living a life completely devoted to service.

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