The Gifted Neurodivergent Podcast

Seek Unified Intelligence, Find Creative Genius

Lillian Skinner Season 2 Episode 48

In this podcast we explore unified intelligence as the connection between the somatic and the cognitive that drives the genius found in twice-exceptional individuals. We discuss how unified intelligence is crucial for accessing creative genius. We emphasizes the importance of cultivating this intelligence to achieve our full potential and challenges the traditional separation of mind and body. Drawing on historical perspectives and personal experiences, I advocates for a new approach in education and mental health that recognizes and nurtures this unified intelligence. Tune in to learn more about how this holistic way of thinking could pave the path to future innovations and creative breakthroughs.

00:00 Introduction to the Gifted Podcast
01:22 Understanding Unified Intelligence
01:45 The Importance of Unified Intelligence
02:21 Personal Experiences with Unified Intelligence
03:07 Historical Context and Misconceptions
04:11 Challenges Faced by Twice Exceptional Individuals
07:35 The Role of Compassionate Empathy
15:34 Unified Intelligence in Historical Figures
17:03 The Impact of Trauma on Unified Intelligence
19:39 The Need for Systemic Change

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Seek Unified Intelligence, Find Creative Genius

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Gifted podcast dedicated to the exploration and cultivation of the outside genius found in [00:01:00] neurodivergence. 

Lillian: hello, everyone. Welcome to the gift of neurodivergent podcast. I'm Lillian Skinner. Today, we're going to talk about unified intelligence, embodied cognition, creative intelligence, genius. But we're going to focus mostly on unified intelligence. Because I don't think we understand how. amazing it is. How much we need it as creative people and by embracing this, how we can find our creative genius, it really is that important. Our future right now needs our creative genius. Therefore we need to find our unified intelligence. 

As I said before, AI is going to replace the cognitive. Those of us who are twice exceptional, we'll be able to take somatic details and move them up to the cognitive [00:02:00] and use that to really be able to see and manifest our genius. This is our era. We're bringing back the enlightenment era with AI. But I think we need to make a coalition so we can cultivate each other and find our unified intelligence first. Because if we do not find our unified intelligence, we're never going to be able to find our genius.

 I have unified intelligence, my intelligence unifies at the somatic, cognitive, metacognitive, and physical level. This is rare and the depth that I have it's also rare, but it's something that savants are known to have. There's been many studies that have shown that savant have unified intelligence of some sort. 

I've been told in that I am a genomic revolution, which I find hilarious. Because this is how little our system knows about savant. They have a tiny group of people who never got put into the system that they identify as savant. I go put into the system. So I didn't get identified as a savant. [00:03:00] They really only believe that it's lower functioning people. I'm not lower functioning. I am normal functioning. So therefore I can't be one. 

This is ludicrous if you look back at the enlightenment era, we should have about 350 to 500 million savant. Because if you extrapolated the number of the enlightenment era, geniuses and creatives, you would find that we should have about 120 million . That was only the upper class men. If you double that for women, doubled it again for the lower class you would have four times as much as that. That's about 500 million. 

I believe that 500 million is probably even a low estimate. 

We know from Dr. Land's creativity studies that I've talked about in the past. 2% of us don't have creativity in kindergarten and then only 2% of us have creativity to as adults. That's quite the turnaround. That means that those 2% are the people who are probably twice exceptional or extremely twice exceptional. 

I am one of those people. My entire family is one of those people. We are [00:04:00] all in despair. If we cannot be creative, we must be creative or we will eventually lose our minds. Minds. 

I can't not be a creative because if I'm not, I am a despair. 

There's very little about what being twice exceptional means. I am trying to define something for those like me. I'm trying to give you something that reflects the way I moved to the world. and reflects the way my children move through the world, reflects the way my clients move to the world. I'm trying to lay down a foundation so that we know what our healthy is, because we don't have anything on our reality, or what it's like to be somebody who is this different. who has capabilities that others deny every step of the way. 

Somebody who is emotionally and cognitively aware and connected. somebody, you can see the patterns of the world and realize them. We are told as children that this is something that's wrong with us, not something that's right. I think it's the perfect time to go in the other direction. I don't think we have a choice. 

I'm imagining a lot of people don't have [00:05:00] choices. That's why we need to find each other so that we can finally be freed of trying to be something we're not. And be open to something where we reach our full potential, which I believe is amazing.

So amazing I think we show up in the history books .When I was doing research for this podcast, which has been something I've been doing for a couple of years. I came across the meek shall inherit the earth. I don't know why the meek would stick in my head. Am I the meek? I don't really feel like the meek. But when I found the translation for that in Greek. It came across as the nullified shall inherit the earth. When I knew they were talking about us. I don't know why I kept looking it up, but I knew that we had been denied. We had been denied, what our full potential is. 

And I would like to explore it now I'd like to go and fully understand it. Because the way I move to the world is not recognized. It's not in any books. I find little glimpses of it here and there, and I'm trying to pull it together. And just by the fact that I [00:06:00] can pull it together. Means that there's more potential than I was ever let known. I want to understand it. I want to understand it for my children. I want to understand it for others. Because it's not fair that other people get to reach their full potential. And I don't even get to get close to reaching it.

The creatives are also the twice exceptional. The twice exceptional, have the ability to do mental modeling that makes other people think we are magic. That has been taken from us by the separation of our emotions and intellect. 

It's called the spiritual, but I think it's only spiritual to others . Because we take in inputs that others can't see us taking in. Thanks to our high sensitivity. Then we process them and then we realize them cognitively and people think that's a spiritual experience. I will say that being a creative is a very pleasurable feeling. It's fun and interesting. The idea that we have to work hard to be a genius as a total lie. Because I enjoy doing what I'm doing to create. As a creative. [00:07:00] I don't need to be pushed into it. 

I need to be allowed to have the space to figure it out. We deny a lot of genius because we don't let people go on the path that they want to, that they need to, that their actual sensitivities are pushing them towards. There's no such thing as working hard to get to your genius. It is something that you are pulled to and you just need the space to be pulled to.

I think that the unification of our intelligence is apparent in a multitude of ways. So I'm going to spend the rest of this podcast talking about the ways that I see that unification of intelligence. And ways that you can see your own unification of intelligence. If you have this, then you need to go to my website and take the empathy test. 

Because what I want to do is help you cultivate that. I want to build schools around this because it's about time. We brought the savant back. where the only people who are going to be able to see the change coming and get in front of it. We are the ones who are so sensitive. We pick up the prompts given to us by the world and we can adjust, modify, and then deal with them.

[00:08:00] So what exactly is unified intelligence? According to. The science on unified intelligence is vague. It's a combination of one's emotional and logical intelligence, and then they perceive it as spiritual or magical of a research shows that it's actually just mental modeling exhibited by the twice exceptional. As a result of their cognitive and somatic working together in unification. I have very strong personal experience with the unified intelligence. 

I. I disagree with. The notion of separate. Separate mind and body. I think. It's wrong. I think. That there's. Plenty of evidence that it doesn't exist and that we created and make it exist. 

I believe it is an interconnectedness of my emotions, intellect, but. I think for others, it's probably different than it is for mine. I know my metacognition and physical are wrapped in as well. I wonder how others are wrapped in the unified intelligence is how my brain functions. 

I think this is how most creatives brains function, because this is what produces creative intelligence. This is why I'm a creative intelligence [00:09:00] researcher, because I know that when I'm working in just cognitive or just somatic, I am exhausted. I get tired very quickly, but when my brain comes together and starts creating, it starts modeling. I can see that in my. Head it's part of my ruminating. It's part of all of these things I've talked about. I can see it and the output is so, much more profound. It's not like a reprieve. Producing other people's things. I am definitely making my own things. Something nobody's made before. 

There is also something called embodied cognition. I don't think it's that different from unified intelligence. It just means that your body's cognition is being realized. So the inputs of your body are realized cognitively. My brain is beyond that because it makes its own connections and mental models to a greater degree. So it's not just, I'm recognizing what's around me. I'm actually creating through the unification to make new. I think embodied cognition leaves that behind. So I go with the unification of intelligences. 

The historical and cultural perspective is actually in my favor with this. [00:10:00] Up until 5,000 years ago, we recognized our intelligence as a single function. There are still cultures in this world today that recognize our intelligence is as unified. However, the Western culture largely adheres to Cartesian Dualism, which views the body and mind as separate entities with distinct mental and physical health. There's questioning more and more that this may be an inaccurate. Throughout history, billion thinkers, like Plato, Carl Young Maslow. Socrates all recognize the existence of a body mind and third intelligence often referred to as the spiritual. 

It was so important to Socrates that when given the choice between drinking Kammok or continuing to teach the students, this three pronged approach of our mind, body and spiritual. He chose to drink the hemlock rather than stop. He felt this strongly. I understand this. He wasn't that much different than jesus or any of the other people who probably had this ability to connect so deeply with themselves and mental model in this high manner.

 The ancient [00:11:00] Egyptians 5,000 years ago were the first to separate mind and body intelligence, for the lower class. Prior to that it was all seen as one in the literature. The upper-class continued to educate their children in both emotional and intellect, recognizing importance of intuition and big picture understanding for governance. The practice continues today with the upper-class teaching their children, the value of emotions, a big picture and intuition while the rest of the population is denied. This perspective. 

I mean, quite seriously, denied it. Our education, our mental health systems. Operate on the Cartesian dualism almost under the impression that emotions is inappropriate, that logic is the primary way of moving to the world. And if you have emotions, there is something wrong with you. Just like if you have metacognition or you have internal voices, all of these things have been pathologized ,when in reality, they're part of intelligence.

Because our systems only recognize Cartesian dualism or the separation of the mind and body, those of us who do have any sort of unification or embodied cognition. Are [00:12:00] challenged in our current systems. Were worked against every step of the way. So there's no way for us to reach our full potential. 

The evidence again, is that only people whose parents have pulled them out and done the work to get them there have resulted in higher intelligence. But these people are not the broad picture savant. Those people are denied their way of moving to the world. They don't seem to exist quite honestly. They certainly aren't able to create fellowship with others like them.

But the twice exceptional individuals are now being identified. We know who they are. We know they're out there. We know that their giftedness in cognitive and somatic, and we know that they have challenges in the system, but that doesn't mean we can't find them and create a system that doesn't have challenges. That actually cultivates and helps them reach their full potential. 

The system is too focused on cognitive intelligence. Something that's value is diminishing every day. , it's ill-equipped to help anybody, but those who are cognitively intelligent. [00:13:00] It causes damage to everyone else. we don't even really have much knowledge around somatic intelligence. I dare say I'm one of the world experts just because I have such high metacognition and I've been working on this for a couple of years. 

To see the results of the school. We just need to look at twice exceptional children. They have these abilities to do mental modeling, innately that allows them for site. The result is they have existential despair. Their emotions are clearly saying to them, they do not have a future because there's no suitable paths for them in our systems. 

There's no paths for creatives. None whatsoever. I've been to conferences on PDA and other things where they're talking about studying us and getting research funding. Without them ever once mentioning. The problem that there's a lack of future. We are not broken. What we lack is any sort of future. There's no path for us. 

Quite honestly. I don't think anyone has a future right now. So what we are trying to do in my organization is create a future path for them. Eventually that will create one for others as [00:14:00] well.

How do you know if you're one of these people? I'm going to assume that, you know, by the despair you're feeling over the future, I'm going to assume that, you know, because you have deep empathy, this is known as compassionate empathy. It's an empathy that has the effective, which is the body and the cognitive, which is the mind and comes together to mental model, into compassionate empathy. I have a test on my website, that tests for your compassionate empathy. Because this is the intelligence test that I use for people who I'm going to work with.

If you have compassionate empathy, then we can figure out your 2e gift. We can figure out what your creative path is because your empathy will lead you there. Because your asthetic will lead you there. Because your emotions will eat you there. What we do is help you figure out that process. It is different than those who are gifted in just somatic or just cognitive. 

If you have compassionate empathy, then you are a savant because your brain is unified and has maintained that unification in this area. But I think there's other [00:15:00] areas. It has maintained its unification and as well. So I'll give you those in addition.

Possession of the clairs is the next area. Dr. Linda Silvermans research provides a unique approach to covering intelligence, being sensing driven. Her work serves as the foundation for understanding unified intelligence and mapping it to claircognizance, clairaudience, clairvoyance and Clairesentience, which then mapped to genius. These Claire's represent the profound neurodivergent virtuosities that drive the advancement across fields. If you have these then you are twice exceptional. 

Let's look at some historical figures to exemplify unified intelligence: that are similar to you. 

Nikola Tesla, he exemplified claircognizance. Tesla's proclivity for the rapid automization of complex patterns. With high somatic cognizance demonstrates claircognizance. His intuitive understanding of complex electrical systems allowed him to mentally model and develop revolutionary technologies.

[00:16:00] Albert Einstein. He was an excellent example of clairsentience Einstein's exquisite timing, rhythm dynamic flow synchronization with emotional and sensory attunement demonstrate clairSentience.. His deep, emotional connection to the universe. His mysteries enabled him to perceive complex concepts of space, time and energy.

Ludwig van Beethoven. He demonstrates clear audience despite losing his hearing Beethoven continued to compose influential music, demonstrating clairaudience. His heightened auditory, sensitivity, and ability to imagine intricate musical compositions without external sound enabled him to produce masterpieces. I don't know, a greater example of clairaudience. 

Vincent van Gogh, exemplified clairvoyance. Van Gogh's clairvoyant ability allowed him to see and capture the world in vibrant emotive ways. His unique vision and ability to fuse his work with deep, emotional and sensory experiences showcase how clairvoyance can fuel artistic brilliance.

Now I'll [00:17:00] give you one place where I believe we find unified intelligence in all. Trauma plays a role in unified intelligence. From personal experience I've learned that trauma heals people by opening up their somatic intelligence. When we experienced the trauma, we become aware of what's around us. Efforts to probably protect us so that we know our threat. This influx of extra inputs is information that is transferred to our cognitive intelligence, allowing us to heal, by understanding the big picture, having contexts and allowing us to avoid it from happening again. 

However our systems get in the way of this. They're focused on getting us immediately back to production and forcing us back into our cognitive, which is how our systems mostly function, will prevent this unifying and healing

The education system focused on cognitive intelligence alone is really causing great harm to many of its students, many of its brilliant [00:18:00] academics at universities because they are not allowed to use their unified intelligence. We can see unified intelligence evidence in the most profoundly gifted because they in a single year go up seven grades. 

I don't see how that is possible. Without unified intelligence, those children are demonstrating somatic level knowledge, and all they're getting in the cognitive space is vocabulary. I know this because my family goes through this to an extreme degree. Because of our asynchronous development, we go up 12 grades. When we're 9, 10, . For the girls. 

I went through this and my daughters went through this. We go from fourth grade to 18th grade and no one has taught us that information. We learn it from the patterns of the world. It is most certainly brought in somatically. 

The union of our emotions and intellect creates this spiritual or mental modeling that expands our intelligence to its full capacity. This is where [00:19:00] genius is born it lives and it thrives. However, our lack of fully understanding the depth of emotional intelligence in our workplaces, in our education systems, in our politics. In every aspect of our culture is toxic. It pushes out the most brilliant and sensitive individuals. 

Without emotions, we are preventing them from reaching their full potential. We are driving them to insanity and the bottom of the hierarchy. It's important to recognize that our high sensitivity is part of our high intelligence and our high intelligence is made possible by the unification of emotions and intellect. 

We also must revisit our mental health system. Which focuses on cognitive intelligence, ensuring those who have high emotions will never heal. . It offers weak solutions like cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation. Which are only appropriate for those who must live in captivity and be denied [00:20:00] their emotions. Those are not processing of emotions. Those are managing of emotions. So the information that comes from the somatic is never fully realized. This is likely driving people who are sensitive to madness. 

This is what I saw in my family. This is what I've seen in my clients and their families. If you are able to allow creatives the space to get their inputs processed. Then you allow them to use their emotions and you will find mental illness drastically change. You will find people who are creative, finally understanding their natural way of moving through the world. You'll find unified intelligence.

Without unified intelligence and the allowance of it, the creatives are going to struggle to articulate how they manifest their gifts. We need the most creative, the twice exceptional, who can offer us this bridge between the emotions and intellect. That will allow other people's creations to become fully [00:21:00] manifested. 

It was destroying our unified intelligence and that is likely driving people to madness. That is what I see over and over again in my clients and my clients, families. If you were able to allow them the space to process their sensing inputs. And use their emotions. You would find mental illness drastically changed.

 The creatives deserve to know their natural way of moving to the world, using their unified intelligence. It is unfair that we have been denied this for so long. We are struggling to articulate and manifest our gifts because we are not being recognized as twice exceptional. Because our connection between our emotions and intellect is denied every step of our lives from birth to death. Geniuses are lost for this. The only way to realize this cognitively is to allow the connection from our somatic. 

 Our role as leaders is to help others recognize and cultivate their gifts. With this, we will come up with amazing. innovation for our future. This is absolutely necessary. If we want to have any chance of surviving. 

Lillian: That's it for my [00:22:00] podcast this week. Everyone. I hope it was valuable. If you're interested in taking my empathy test it's at That's G I F T E D N Thanks for listening. Take care of. 

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